Honoring Parents
Freedom and Responsibility
Attitudes and Actions
Attitudes About Myself

Jesus spoke to his disciples as he hung from the cross concerning this person in his family.

Who is Mary, the Mother of Jesus?


These are examples of blaming others, found in Exodus 32:24 and 1 Samuel 15:19-23.

Who are Aaron (blaming the people of Israel for the golden calf) and Saul (blaming the people of his army for taking the spoil of the Amalekites)?


These are four wrong attitudes that the Bible addresses, that can negatively affect others.

What are anger, scorn, perversion, and vengeance?


These are 3 (out of 4) descriptions of Job's character.

What are blameless, upright, fearing God, and shunning evil.


These are ways in which Scripture points out dishonoring parents.

What are cursing our fathers and not blessing our mothers; becoming enemies of our parents; being disobedient to our parents?


This is how responsibility and freedom work together.

What role does trust play to bring freedom and responsibility together? What are the more freedom granted, the more responsibility you must accept?


These are 2 (out of 6) promises of God for those that come from having right attitudes and actions.

What are a long and peaceful life, favor with God and man, God's direction/guidance, good health, God's provision for needs, and the Lord's love and delight in you?


These were the charges Satan made against Job.

What was Satan's accusation that Job was good and upright because God protected and blessed him?


In Jesus' parable, the prodigal son dishonored and disrespected his father in these ways.

How did the prodigal son mistreat his father by taking his inheritance, leaving home, and wasting all of his money?

These are the three results of sin from Adam and Eve's sin committed in the garden.

What are guilt, shame, and blame?


These are 3 (out of 5) attitudes and actions displayed by Jesus throughout arrest, trial, and crucifixion.

What are 1) being slow to anger (rebuking Peter and healing the man's ear); 2) being slow to defend himself out of humility (Jesus says nothing when mocked/scourged/given a crown of thorns); 3) accepting blame by carrying his own cross (on his way to crucifixion); 4) mercy (asking God to forgive those who crucified him); 5) honoring his mother (arranged for her care)?


These are 2 (out of 5) right attitudes that the writer in Psalm 37 urges people to have.  

What are 1) not worrying or envying evil doers, 2) trusting in the Lord and doing good, 3) delighting ourselves in the Lord, 4) committing our way to Him, and  5) resting in Him and waiting patiently?


By this father's failure to restrain his sons, God was displeased.

Who was Eli, in failing to restrain his sons' wicked conduct while serving in the priesthood.


This is one of the main consequences of not accepting responsibility for the freedom you are given.

How is trust granted to you?


These are 3 blessings that came about because of Jesus' right attitudes and actions.

What are forgiveness of sins, the assurance of admittance to heaven, and victory over sin?


This was Job's attitude, after all the suffering and trials he went through.

What was Job's humility to say that he could never understand the wonderful things of God because His knowledge was too wonderful?


These are the main influential relationships in one's life. 

What are one's relationships with God, with your family, and with others? 


This is the opposite of taking responsibility.

What is blaming another person?


These are ways to explain 4 wrong attitudes that the Bible addresses as negatively influencing others.

What are anger (easily losing control, easily provoked, using cutting words to hurt others); scorn (mocks what is right, puts others down for ideas/doing what is right); perversion (like the scorner but enjoying doing evil and wickedness, out of a twisted desire/motive); and vengeance (unforgiveness, motivated to get even, instead of trusting in God to take care of vengeance)? 

Understanding this attitude about yourself and how God sees you guides people from making poor and destructive decisions.

What are trusting and obeying God (in His promises and love for us, and the blessing of obedience)?
