Why is it important to understand how emotions feel in your body?
Knowing how they feel can help you identify and understand your own emotions, as well as what others may also be feeling.
What can sexual activity lead to?
Pleasure, but also pregnancy and STI's
What is a gender norm?
It is a set expectation of how the think individuals should act based on their gender.
EX: Women are commonly expected to stay home and raise children.
What is the difference between equality and equity?
Equality is giving everyone the same access and tools.
Equity is giving each person the tools they need.
What are our Rights & Responsibilities at WiseGuyz (and beyond)
Right to Participate, Pass, Privacy, Respect, Fun
What is Empathy?
The ability to see and reflect back the emotions somebody else may be feeling.
What does STI stand for?
Sexually Transmitted Infection.
You may have also heard the term STD
How have gender boxes and gender norms influenced mainstream language, especially in insults?
Insults are commonly gendered or show prejudice. This can relate to being female, being gay, transgender, or having a disability. This language sends a message that being these things make you less valuable.
What is privilege?
Having value for simply belonging to a group. Having privilege is not something you need to gain, you already have it.
Being able to see is a privilege not everyone has, but you did not need to work to accomplish it.
What are some ways to practice self care?
Good hygiene, time with friends, spending time at a hobby, meditation... there are many many ways to practice self care!
Why are boundaries important?
They help us to know if a relationship is healthy or unhealthy. They build trust and safety and a relationship built on consent.
Which form(s) of Birth Control also prevents STI's?(2)
Abstinence and condoms
Remember the video of Eldra Jackson? (The man who joined a healing circle while being in prison) What did he learn that changed his whole mindset?
Emotions matter, masculinity is not about violence, Women and people are not objects.
What is social Justice?
Fixing the system to offer equal access to both tools and opportunities.
What is Ugly Stress?
Ugly stress is over a long period of time about something you have little to no control of.
Can you please draw a head heart body diagram and label it :)
Body-Physical feelings
How can you find out if you have an STI?
You can go to the clinic and get tested. A very simple and confidential process.
What is misogyny and how does it harm boys and men?
Misogyny is a system of beliefs that believes women are less than. This belief leads to abuse, exploitation, violation, control and sexualization towards women.
Promotes a lack of openness, loneliness and isolation, not asking for help, and despair.
What happens if a person is showing negative attitudes and beliefs and nobody intervenes?
They will move up a level on the violence pyramid.
What is needed for consent?
Consent must be freely given (no convincing of guilting), it must be a verbal, enthusiastic yes to the activity. It can be taken back at any time.
What is the assertive communication formula?
I feel....
When you...
I wish that/could you please...
How do you feel about that?
Name as many forms of Birth control as you can.
Pill, patch, ring, shot, IUD, condoms, abstinence, withdrawal, vasectomy, tubal ligation, Plan B.
What is the best way we can fight the gender norms in media?
Media literacy. We cannot avoid all media, but we can be aware of the fact is is often stereotypes, gendered and there to sell you something. Don't believe everything you see. Take a second and consider the message.
What are the 5 D's of being an engaged bystander?
Are there times where an individual cannot give consent?
If they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, unconscious, ill, injured, have a mental or psychosocial disability, or under the age of consent.