Chapter 7-8
Chapter 9-10
Chapter 11
Figurative Language

What things did Samar look at while sitting under Red?

The moon, Red and the little green house where Stephan lives. 


In chapter 9, page 32, Samar pays Red a visit. This time, she does something she never did before. She...

Ties a little piece of fabric with a wish on Red's lowest branch. 


Bongo congratulates Red on "another sproutday" in chapter 11, page 38. What do you think a sproutday is?

A birthday for trees.


In chapter 9, page 31, Red says that Samar's family will eventually "put down roots" just like many other families from many other places. What kind of figurative language is this? Explain!

A metaphor. Red compares families to trees that have roots, and the stronger their roots grow, they more they become part of a place.


What "gifts" did Bongo give Samar?

A monopoly token (the car), a gold hair ribbon, and a root beer cap. 


Making inferences: How do you think Samar feels about moving to this town based on your knowledge of the events in chapter 9. 

She is having trouble fitting in and making friends. She feels lonely. 


In pages 39 from chapter 11, Bongo explains that stature and height are the least of her concerns. What are things that she appreciates instead?

Smarts, wiles, trickery and cunning. All things that crows are known for. 


Chapter 11, page 38

"A crow sigh is unmistakable, like a groan from a tiny, cranky old man". What type of figurative language is this? Explain.

A simile. Red compares a crow's sigh to the sound of an angry old man's groan. 


In chapter 7, page 25, Red says that hollows are proof that something bad can become something good with enough time, care, and hope. What do they mean?

The animal make homes out of the hollows. It is a safe place to keep safe from the elements, sleep and stash their belongings.


In chapter 10, page 34, Red describes some of the good things that they have witnessed in their lifetime. What is their favorite thing of it all?

laughter! Always laughter!


In chapter 11, page 40, Red mentions the sounds Bongo mimics. List all four!

A tuba, a Chihuahua, a police siren, and Samar.


Chapter 11, page 39.

"A soft wind tickled my branches" is an example of what type of figurative language. Explain!

A personification. Red compares wind to a person tickling their branches. This means that the breeze was gentle.


In chapter 7, page 26, Red mentions something that they made clear to their residents to avoid disagreements. What was it?

Red says: "eating your neighbors will not be allowed while I'm in charge".


At the end of chapter 10, Red says that a few days after Samar's wish, they witnessed something that made them wonder if they've finally witnessed "too much". What does this mean?

Something worse than anything Red has witnessed before is going to happen.
