What color was Black Panther's first suit?
What is purple?
What company logo is a swoosh?
What is Nike?
FRIENDS - What is the name of the coffee shop?
What is Central Perk?
Largest continent by land area
What is Asia?
How many holes are on a typical golf course?
What is 18?
Who played Thor in Avengers?
Who is Chris Hemsworth?
What has to be broken before you can use it?
What is an egg?
FRIENDS - What was the name of the monkey that Ross had for a pet?
Who is Marcel?
The number of countries in Africa
What is 54?
What MLB team has the most championships?
What is the Yankees?
Where can you find Vibranium?
What is Wakanda?
What are sweet, square and holeless french donuts
What are beignets?
BIG BANG THEORY - What is Sheldon's catchphrase?
What is Bazinga?
This city spans two continents
What is Istanbul?
The maximum number of times your team can touch the ball on your side in volleyball before sending it over the net.
What is 3 times?
What is Iron Man's name in the movie Avengers?
Who is Tony Stark?
How many stitches does the average baseball have?
What is 108?
FRIENDS - What is Ross Geller's occupation?
What is Paleontologist?
The number of timezones in Canada
What is six?
This football position shares its name with a way to score two points.
What is safety?
Guardian's of the Galaxy-What were the three items Rocket claims he needs to escape prison?
What are a security band, a battery and a prosthetic leg?
Smurfs are this color.
What is blue?
BIG BANG THEORY - What color is Penny's couch?
What is Turquoise?
The smallest country by landmass
What is vatican city?
Who is the only MLB team to share a stadium with an NFL team?
What is Oakland Athletics?