This movie series is one of the most popular witch and wizard movies...
A story about a boy attending a wizard school where he meets Ron, another aspiring wizard, and Hermione, a young girl learning witchcraft.
What is the movie?
Harry Potter
They were seen as healers and midwives before being colonized by the Spaniards. What Witch is this?
Brujas (Latin Witches)
What were witches theorized to be agents of?
The devil or Satan.
How many Witches were in Hocus Pocus?
Which Witch originated in Russia?
Baba Yaga(Slavic Witch)
What were Mr. Doctor Harvey's invasive examinations searching for?
Marks that could've been left by witches.
What Witch was seeking revenge on Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz?
The Wicked Witch of the West
These witches were known to use herbs and plants and were believed to be able to communicate with the spirits of the dead. They believed in pantheons of gods and goddesses.
Celtic Wicca (Irish Witches)
What school did Reverent Increase Mather graduate from and become the president of?
What time period (century or years) did Hocus Pocus take place in?
17th Century
Where did the Salem Witch Trials happen?
Salem Village, Massachusetts
How many people died in India 2000-2016 due to witch hunts?
2500 people
Which movie earned the highest score on Rotten Tomatoes at 98%?
The Wizard of Oz
What is the supposed earliest recording of witches and were?
In the Bible around 931 B.C and 721 B.C.
Which European country had virtually zero belief in Witches during the 16th century.