What was Amy's biggest prayer as a 3-year-old?
For blue eyes.
Who was Amy’s favorite governess, and what did she teach the children besides school subjects?
Eleanor Milne - she taught them to love and care for all of God’s creatures.
What tragedy struck the family when Amy was a teenager?
Her father died.
When Amy traveled to Japan for her first mission trip, she took a boat. Who was watching her patiently endure some hardships on the boat? What happened to him?
The Captain of the boat - he gave his heart to Jesus
How many souls had Amy asked the Lord for and how did he answer her prayer?
She asked for 4 and received 4 on her birthday.
What particular verse of scripture did 8-year-old Amy choose to stitch on her quilt and why?
"Rejoice evermore"
It was short.
What was the first time Amy heard stories of India?
Pastor Beatty’s brother and sister-in-law were missionaries to India. Mrs. Beatty shared these stories with Amy.
What was Amy’s reaction to her mother wanting to buy her a new dress when she turned 16?
She felt guilty for having her mother buy her a dress and asked her to wait a year.
What type of tree caught Amy’s attention and is found in every Japanese garden?
What did Amy tell Masaki San what had been tested and what had been proven?
Her faith was tested and God's faithfulness proven.
What did Amy Carmichael say was a Christian’s most important place of service? Why?
Place of prayer - you need a relationship with God to have a relationship with people.
What did Amy want to be called instead of Amy? Why?
Beatrice because it sounded more adult than Amy.
After agonizing and making legitimate excuses why she couldn’t go on the foreign mission field, what did God speak to her that helped her anxiety?
"Go ye"
What was the main religion at the time Amy was in Japan and how many gods did they worship?
Buddism - over 8 million
Why did the doctor recommend Amy leave Japan?
Her health was deteriorating
What lesson did Amy’s mother teach her about rejoicing?
Rejoicing is being thankful for what you have at that time.
What was the once in a lifetime event that Amy and her friend’s did not want to miss seeing? What did she do to ensure that they would see it? What did they discover?
The Great Comet of 1882. They made a plan to sneak into the attic to watch from the window. They discovered the teachers were all there watching it.
Why did the people call the young girls “Shawlies”?
They worked in the factories and were poor and didn’t own coats; they owned shawls.
What seemed to be a distraction to Amy witnessing to the Japanese women?
Her clothing
God calls Amy to India - how long does she spend there?
The rest of her life - over 55 years
According to the publisher, what are the qualities of Amy Carmichael that still stand out today?
Her daring faith, overcoming spirit, and tender love for the children
What was Amy's personality like when she was a young girl/teenager?
She was very friendly; kind and gentle to younger girls; a trickster and a little defiant.
What does D. O. M. stand for and who was he to Amy?
Dear Old Man; Robert Wilson
The Japanese compared a demon living inside a person to a fox. How did the demon-possessed man react when he heard the Lord's name?
He jumped up snarling and yelling; James 2:19- demons tremble at His name.
What does Amy do that irritates a local missionary woman? What is Amy’s initial response? Upon reflection, what is her response?
She races a carriage with her pony. She loses her temper for a minute, feeling annoyed, but then she feels embarrassed.