What fake animal did jossy throw at dad
what is RAT
What year did all the girls graduate high school
What is 2016
Who got food poisoning on our last vacation
Who is Joscelin
How many years were we at soul shock
What is 6 years
What food was jossy about to eat before the canoe flipped over
What theme was moms 40th birthday party
What is tiki/Hawaiian
What middle school does Maddie work at
What is Greenfield middle school
When playing a game at Wisconsin dells what got stuck in a light bowl on the ceiling
What is SPOON
Name all the locations of soul shock nationals
What is
Panama city
las vegas
pigeon forge
What animal did kaitlyn, Patrick, Brittney, and Maddie think was chasing them
What is A BEAR
Name all the sports they both did in high school
What is cross country and track
volleyball, softball, basketball
When in the Chicago airport what were we tracked down by the tsa agents for
What is a plastic water bottle in Maddie’s bag
When we were in Mexico what traumatic thing happened to dad
What is a man tried to tickle him
Name each girls first dance recital song
hint: kaitlyn’s can just be what costume/ theme was it(bonus points for the song)
What is
good ship lollipop
bumble bee
doing what comes naturally
What was the usual first song we did on guitar hero
what is SLOW RIDE
What show does dad say is the greatest series to ever have been made
What year was Kaitlyn’s first car made in
What is 1996
where did dad set off the fire alarm off in the hotel
what is las vegas
what musical was my dance quiet uptown from
what is HAMILTON
How many episodes are there of big bang theory
What is 279
What pizza place is in the same plaza as the subway mom and dad met at
What is aurelios pizza
What was jossy’s first concert
What is STYX
What family member sat on a melted crayon in Branson Missouri
Who is Kaitlyn
What was the name of the dance competition for nationals we went to with donna brums for the last year
How many miles is the az house to the crown point house
What is 1747 miles(within 50 miles)