What app was on the potential chopping block in 2024/25
What is TikTok
most commonly used tab in MS word
what is the home tab
the box highlighted with green is called
what is an active cell
A resume that lists your experience in order of time
What is chronological
the largest SM sight in the world
What is facebook
The parent company of the 3 largest SM platforms
What is meta
Tab you go to to check word count, spelling and grammar
What is review
to add several cells together- you may use this "easy" way
What is highlight the cells and click autosum
the skills that are natural and you take from job to job are called?
What are transferable or Soft Skills?
to make your text darker in MS word you would click on this
What is B for Bold
the SM sight to best promote a small business through pictures/video
What is Instagram
what margin is not available in MS word
the punctuation used when writing a formula to calculate several cells
What is a :
If someone is trying to focus on education or training that they have they should use this style of Resume?
What is Combination or Hybrid
An Excel workbook can have how many sheets?
What is as many as you like
The platform originally aimed at professionals
what is linkedIn
Which option in MS word allows you to create personalized documents by merging with another data source
What is Mail Merge
Pie Chart with one piece separated out is called?
What is an Exploded Pie chart
Big companies and governments often use this to filter applicants
what is applicant tracking systems
The space around your text on a Word document is called?
the margin
the platform started as an alternative to Twitter
What is BluSky
what feature allows for real time collaboration on a document
what is co-authoring
The cell reference A10:A20 refers to values?
the range of values in cells A10 to A20
To be able to effectively write a resume you need to look at a job ad and find?
What are Key words
when writing an "if" formula in excel you need to use this type of punctuation
what are double quotation marks?