If you are running late, who should contact who?
Staff members should contact their supervisor prior to running late.
What is the 3 step cleaning process?
Soap and water, bleach and water, sanitize and in that exact order
When should parents be notified that their child needs something?
Before they need it
When is display boards/decoration be allowed ?
Between 1 and 3 when the kids are down.
What should be worn at all times?
Mask must ALWAYS be worn!
When should you punch in?
Being Ready to work- means that once you punch in you are in uniform, personal items are put away and all personal business has been tended to.
When should the 3 step process be used?
Before and after the kids eat and after a table activity
What counts as WMGA uniform?
Any logo apparel, no ripped jeans, and no tights
Why is it important to follow classroom schedule?
Kids need routines and to know what to expect
What room should you remain in through out the day?
Your own!
Yow many days can you schedule off in a month?
No more than 2 days can be scheduled off in a month.
How should eat child leave the center?
Cleaner than they came, clean and dry diaper, clean and dry face and hands, and dressed for the appropriate weather (coat zipped, hat gloves and scarfs on)
Who does children count on to make sense of their world?
They count on us! Adults and Staff
What is the absolute maximum time a child should be expected to sit?
30 minuts max per sitting
What can you do to help reduce the spread of Covid 19?
(Keep your mask on, social distance, wash your hands frequently)
What is a vital part of your employment?
Coming to work and being ready to serve after you punch in
What determines if children goes outside?
The weather ONLY
When should staff members be allowed to eat on the floor?
On your own time! Eating on the work floor in the presence of children is forbidden
When should you communicate with parents on Brightwheel?
Daily between 12:30-3pm
Why do we close at 5pm now?
Due to enhanced cleaning which is everyones responsibility
When will disciplinary action be taken?
After 5 occurrences in a rolling year disciplinary action will be taken that may lead to termination.
How often should parents receive photos in Brightwheel?
At least 3 activities should be sent to parents everyday
When are cell phones allowed to be used?
On your own time and off the floor with children.
When should tomorrows lesson be planned in its entirety?
At least one day before from 1-3
Are you payed to quarantine?
No you are not payed for a 14 day quarantine unless you were exposed at Watch Me Grow and you follow the Covid 19 guidelines.