Whom did Rome fight in the Punic Wars? (City)
the long era of peace and prosperity called what
Pax Romana
What emperor moved the capital to the old Greek city of Byzantium and legalized Christianity
How did location of the capital help the growth of the Byzantine Empire
It was located along a major trade route from Asia into the Mediterranean
Why has Italy has attracted settlers for thousands of years b
central location and climate
The Romans overthrew which group and set up the republican form of government where people were treated fairly?
The most important element in Rome’s strong economy was
What was a major accomplishment of Justinian
Justinian Law Code, building of the Hagia Sopia
What was the name of the eastern part of the Roman Empire that continued on for another 1000 years?
Byzantine Empire
Traditional legend says that Romulus and Remus founded the city of
The best-known early Roman citizen and dictator of the Republic was
What did Augustus create to protect the empire.
permanent professional army
Who split the empire into an east and a west to make it easier to govern?
What happened to Christianity after the split of the Roman Empire?
It split into Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox
Which Punic War did Hannibal cross the Alps and win at Cannae
Adopted around 451 B.C., Rome’s first code of law was called the
Twelve Tables
Name three groups that invaded the western part of the Roman Empire
Visigoths, Vandals, Saxons, Jutes, Angles, Huns, Franks
Who were the 5 Julio Claudian Emperors
Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero
What events took place at the Hippodrome
Chariot racing, plays, meetings, Nika Riot massacre
What were the 3 branches of the Roman republican government
Legislative, Executive, Judicial
Who was elected as dictator for life, and then assassinated
Julius Caesar
Name three things that helped trade flourish during the Roman empire
Common coins, paved roads, protection of navy, standard weights and measures
What did the 5 Good Emperors do to benefit Rome
Building projects like roads, bridges, aqueducts, harbors, monuments
Who was the wife of the emperor Justinian who fought for rights for women
What reforms did Julius Caesar make for the Republic
allowed local self government
enlarged the Senate
Extended citizenship
revised calendar