What can we do with the plushies?
Hugging, petting, and putting back where they live.
How do we move around the library?
How many fingers up would make a TOO HARD book?
4 to 5 fingers up
How do we stand in line to checkout books?
On the footprints with a whisper level 1 voice.
What can we NOT do with the plushies?
Throw in the air, walk around with, and hit someone.
What voice level do we use in the library when finding books?
0 or 1
How many fingers up would make a TOO EASY book?
0 to 1 finger up
When can you ask Mrs. Murillo a question while waiting to checkout?
When you are directly in front of Mrs. Murillo and it is your turn in line.
How many fingers up would make a JUST RIGHT book?
2 to 3 fingers up