Who did Will first hookup with from the fourth floor?
What is Gracie
This is college
What is Emma
Who puked in Emmas bed and all over 42?
What is Matt
What song can Will play on the recorder?
What is hot cross buns.
What is Marinas dogs name?
What is Riley
Name all of the pairs of spit sisters/brothers
What is Emma and Marina, Jack and Will, Matt and Will, Nick and Matt and Jack and Matt
Last day.
What is Liv
Who puked all over their room and Liv and Marina had to help clean?
What is Jed
How tall is Jed?
What is 5'6
Name one of Emmas best friends from home
What is Jamie or Courtney
What is the name of the guy Emma and Marina both hooked up with?
What is Michael
What is Tommy
Who sprained their ankle on their birthday?
What is Peter
What hospitalized Liv twice?
What is eating too many pickles
What is Jeds little sisters name?
What is Merry
What two people hooked up with the same person in one night?
What is Nick and Matt
This week in photos
What is Jack
Who puked in the sorority house?
What is Liv
What does Emma secretly wish her major was?
What is criminal justice
What three people in the group have siblings born in the same year? (Hint: They are older siblings)
What is Emma, Liv, and Will
Who got with an assaulter?
What is Marina
Summer 2022
What is Nick
Who fell on the floor at Specs in front of everyone?
What is Emma
What is one of Jack Kinas hobby?
What is Djing or talking about cars
Name the three members of the group who share a birthday month.
What is Liv, Peter, and Tommy