a car that is 800 dollars
what is the monster truck
a pet that most players can get easily
what is the dog
this youtuber has a burger hat in the game
who is camodo gaming
a house that was recently increased in price to 790-800 dollars
what is the small blue house
outfit you get once completed the pizza job
what is the pizza outfit
bike you find in shed
what is the chopper
complete cave missions to get the pet
what is the ghost
this youtuber loves wobbly life
who is dario
the most expensive house in the game
what is the castle looking house
outfit you get after returning a golden bowling ball to the museum
what is the hot dog outfit
only car you can go to a toilet
what is the rv
a pet you get by doing obstacles and going into a cave
what is the crystal pet
has the most or 2nd most wobbly life videos made
who is beautiful ob
4th most expensive house in the game
what is the old mansion
outfit you get after completing the first job
what is the jelly outfit
a car you can buy in a small world
what is the bottle car
this pet comes in two colours
what is the fish
he has a lot of pets in real life
who is spycakes
a house in the jungle
what is the tiny hut
outfit you get after you complete the quiz show
what is the quizzer outfit
car you get by completing temple missions
what is the temple segway
usually is found in oceans
what is the starfish
does not upload that much wobbly life
who is the frustrated gamer
a house next to the beach
what is the small house
outfit you get after spraying fire on a globe
what is the globe hat