Wild Weather
Do the Right Thing
Good to Know!
Scout Essentials
What weather conditions could you have on a campout in the SPRING OR SUMMER in Louisiana?
Rain, Thunderstorms, Tropical Weather, Flooding, Extreme temperatures.
What do you do if a natural disaster such as an earthquake, flood or tornado happens?
Stay calm, stay with your family and get to safety, find a safe shelter. What else?
What is this oath called? As an American, I will do my best to... Be clean in my outdoor manners. Be careful with fire. Be considerate in the outdoors. Be conservation minded. (A) The outdoor code (B) The indoor code (C) The campfire song.
(A) The outdoor code
What super hero would you take with you camping?
Your choice!! :)
Name 6 things you need on a hike?
First Aid Kit, Flashlight, Trail Food, Sun Screen, Whistle, Water Bottle
What weather changes might happen on a campout in the FALL or WINTER in Louisiana?
Rain, Icy Conditions, Freezing Weather, Extreme low temperatures, and even snow on some occasions.
How do you keep safe from germs?
Wash your hands before eating. Germs are on shared items like door knobs, elevator buttons, cell phones. Cover your nose/mouth when sneezing to prevent spread of germs to others.
Say these 7 Principles of Leave No Trace with your den.... 1 Plan Ahead and Prepare. 2 Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces. 3 Dispose of Waste Properly (Pack It In, Pack It Out) 4 Leave What You Find. 5 Minimize Campfire Impacts. 6 Respect Wildlife. 7 Be Considerate of Other Visitors.
Name one of the principles you just recited.
What is the buddy system?
A person pairs with a buddy to look after one another to keep safe.
The Scout Oath is: On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to ______ and my ______ and to obey the Scout _____; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically _______, mentally awake, and morally _____.
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
How you prepare for extreme HOT weather on a campout?
Bring extra water, stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, wear a hat & sunglasses, look for shade.
What do you do if a stranger approaches you or your family?
Do not talk to strangers. Seek a trusted adult. What else?
Name a problem in your community and think of an idea for a solution to the problem.
Examples: Litter, Texting and Driving, Bad traffic. How would you solve these?
What is good sportsmanship?
Play fair & follow the rules of the game. Don't get mad when you lose. Respect referees. Treat opponents as you'd like to be treated.
The Scout Law is: A Scout is Trustworthy, _____, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, and ______.
A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
How can you prepare for going on a campout in rainy/stormy conditions?
Extra clothes, towels, rain coats, umbrella, rain boots, water-proof tent, bag for wet items, dry sack to keep items dry, NO electronic items
Name 4 different TYPES of animals (example: amphibians)
Acceptable: Birds, fish, Reptiles, Mammals, Insects, Amphibians
What does it mean to do your duty to God
Example: Try to always do what you believe God wants you to do.
Name 2 Birds, 2 Bugs, 2 Animals
Examples: Blue Jay, Crow, Spider, Ant, Dog, Cat
What is the cub scout motto? (3 little words)
Do Your Best!
How can you prepare for extreme COLD weather on a campout?
Bring layers of clothing, jacket, blankets, hats, heavy sleeping bag or blankets. What else?
Name 3 ways to be careful around fires.
Don't get too close to a campfire Don't play with lighters. Keep water near a campfire. Don't touch hot coals. Don't go into a burning building, even your home.
Give an example of people that came to America to enjoy religious freedom.
Example: The Pilgrams
What is appropriate clothing to wear on a hike if it's cold outside? What about when it's hot outside?
Hiking shoes or boots. Good socks, comfy clothes. If it's warm, wear a hat. If it's cold, wear a cap with brim or Sunglasses. Wear extra clothes for layering if chilly. What else?
The end of year cub scout banquet is called the Blue and Gold. Name a golden or yellow Pokemon.
Pikachu, Pichu, other?