What medical corporation did Clara Barton co-found that is still used today?
What is the Red Cross?
“Hey mister grumpy gills, you know what you gotta do when life gets you down. Just keep swimming”
Dori (Ellen DeGeneres) - Finding Nemo
This woman was the last Pharaoh of Egypt
Who is Cleopatra
Emma and Pride and Prejudice were written by this author
Who is Jane Austen
“Brown paper packages tied up in strings, these are a few of my favorite things.”
Maria Von Trap- The Sound of Music
the founder of modern nursing, became known as "The Lady with The Lamp," making rounds late at night to care for wounded soldiers.
Who is Florence Nightingale
“Ladies do not start fights but they can finish them.”
Marie - Aristocats
The "Hello Girls" were women sworn into the U.S. Army Signal Corps during World War I, tasked with operating what piece of technology?
What is the Switchboard?
Abraham Lincoln suggested that Harriet Beecher Stowe was the person to start the Civil War with this literary work (book)
What is Uncle Tom's Cabin
This Pink Lady sings “Look at me I’m Sandra Dee”
Rizzo - Grease
This 19-year-old French Peasant was burned at the stake for heresy as she thought she was on a mission from god
Joan of Arc
"Why is it when something happens, it's always you three?"
Professor McGonagall (Maggie Smith) - Harry Potter Series
Disguised as a man, Deborah Sampson fought in this war.
What is the Revolutionary War
This English novelist who, at age 19, wrote the classic gothic novel, Frankenstein
Who is Mary Shelley
“People always say, life is full of choices, no one ever mentions fear”
Rosalind Frankiln's medical research led to this discovery
What is the structure of DNA
“What!? Me? A Princess… Shut Up!”
Mia - Princess Diaries
Nancy Wake, a small statured New Zealand Nurse, led the French Resistance in WWII this was her code name
What is "The White Mouse"
‘Hope is a thing with feathers’ is one of the most well-known poems by what writer
Who is Emily Dickenson
“The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain"
Eliza Doolittle - My Fair Lady
This woman originated the term “Birth Control" and lobbied the FDA to approve the first oral Contraceptive
“Girls, come on. Leave the saving of the world to the men? I don't think so."
Elasti-Girl - The Incredibles
Mila Pavlichenko (also known as Lady Death) was known for what in WWII?
Soviet Sniper (300 confirmed kills)
This Canadian character quotes “Kindred Spirits are not as scarce as I used to think. There are so many of the in the world”
Who is Anne of Green Gables
“Though we adore men individually, we agree that as a group they’re rather stupid…”
Mrs. Banks - Disney's Mary Poppins