What was the full name of Prophet Muhammad's mother?
Aminah bint Wahb
Zaynab reacted to the marriage proposal from Abu Al - As like this.
She was shy and her face became red.
Which 2 wives did the Prophet marry first after the death of Khadijah?
Sawdah & Aisha
Which wife of the Prophet was referred to as having 'the longest hand' and what did that mean?
Zaynab bint Jahsh
This woman was a fierce warrior who fought in battles alongside the Prophet (PBUH) and was known for defending him at Uhud.
Nusaybah bint Ka‘b
Name one of the blessings the Prophet Muhammad's wet nurse Haleemah mentioned after she started taking care of the Prophet.
- Her families old camel produced as much milk as could satisfy them
- Her donkey became the fastest in the village
- Her sheep came home satisfied when others were hungry and had no milk
This daughter of the Prophet (PBUH) was married to ‘Uthman ibn Affan (RA) and passed away while he was preparing for the Battle of Badr.
Who is Ruqayyah (RA)?
Which surah of the Quran has verses which revealed the innocence of Aisha?
- Surah Al Qamar
- Surah An Nur
- Surah At Tahrim
Surah An-Nur (24:11): "Indeed, those who brought the lie are a group among you. Do not think it bad for you; rather, it is good for you. For every person among them is what he has earned of sin. And he who took upon himself the greater portion thereof – for him is a great punishment."
Surah An-Nur (24:12-14): "Why, when you heard it, did not the believing men and believing women think well of themselves and say, 'This is an obvious lie'? Why did they not bring four witnesses? And when they did not bring the witnesses, then it is they, in the sight of Allah, who are the liars."
Safiya bint Huyay was from which Jewish tribe in Medina?
- Banu Quraydah
- Banu Nadir
- Banu Qaynuqa
Banu Nadir
This woman was one of the first female nurses in Islam, known for treating wounded soldiers in battle.
Rafeedah al-Aslamiyah
Fill in the blanks. Aminah bint Wahb said about the Prophet's birth "..The light illuminated palaces and markets of Syria until I saw the necks of the camels in Basra. I saw 3 erected flags: one at the ___, one at the ___ , and the 3rd over the ___"
One at the East, one at the West, and the 3rd over the Ka'bah
After the death of her sister, this daughter of the Prophet (PBUH) also married ‘Uthman ibn Affan (RA), earning him the title "Dhul-Nurayn" (Possessor of Two Lights).
Who is Umm Kulthoom (RA)?
Who paid the dowry of Umm Habeebah?
The Negus, ruler of Abyssinia
A solar eclipse
Why was Asma bint Abi Bakr called the women of the 2 belts?
To secretly carry provisions to the Prophet and Abu Bakr during the boycott, she tore her waist belt (nitaq) into two pieces—one to tie up the food and the other to secure it around herself.
When the Prophet (PBUH) saw this, he praised her ingenuity and gave her the nickname “Dhat an-Nitaqayn”—"The Woman of the Two Belts."
Barakah/ Umm Ayman wept in the final days of her life twice, and once was when the Prophet Muhammad died. What did she say when asked why she cried?
"I am crying because the revelation from the heavens has stopped"
Who is well known for a well-known lullaby that revolved around Uthman?
What is the Quraysh Mothers?
List all the children that Khadija r.a. had with the Prophet Muhammad.
1. Qasim
2. Zainab
3. Fatima
4. Ruqayyah
5. Umm Kulthum
6. Abdullah
What are the 3 reasons Umm Salamah was originally hesitant to marry the Prophet Muhammad?
She said that:
- She was jealous by nature.
- She was already old.
- She had young children to take care of.
The Prophet (PBUH) reassured her by saying he would pray for her jealousy, age did not matter, and her children would be his responsibility.
She was a famous poet known for her elegies mourning her fallen brothers, and the Prophet (PBUH) praised her poetry.
- Al-Khansa’
- Rafeedah al-Aslamiyah
- Umm Ma‘bad
- Al-Khansa’
Which maternal figure did the Prophet Muhammad bury in his own garment when she died?
his aunt, Fatima bint Asad
The Quraysh confined the Muslims and the members of Banu Hashim clan in this valley.
a) Abu Talib
b) Abu Bakr
c) Umar ibn Al Khattab
What is the valley of Abu Talib?
How did angel Jibreel describe Hafsa bint Umar when he told the Prophet Muhammad to take her back? (3 main points)
"take Hafsa back, for she frequently prays and fasts in the night. And she is your wife in Paradise."
What did Khadija say in response to the fright and awe of the Prophet Muhammad after the first revelation? (5 things)
"By Allah, Allah will never disgrace you.
You maintain good relations with your kin,
you help the poor and the needy,
you serve your guests generously,
and you assist those who are stricken with calamity."
She was the foster sister of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the daughter of Halimah as-Sa‘diyyah.