Famous Females
History of Women in Math
In Our Community
Not Women-related, but Still Fun!

The daughter of Lord Byron, she was the first ever computer programmer.

Who is Ada Lovelace?


In this century, Sofia Kovalevskaya became the first woman to earn a modern doctorate in mathematics.

What is the 1800s / 19th century?


In 1971, this group, which is committed to the advancement of females in the field of math, was established.

What is the Association for Women in Mathematics (the AWM)?

Head of the math department, she has loved math since childhood.

Who is Ms. Glick?


This is the only number which is spelt with the same number of letters as the number itself.

What is four?

She helped calculate the trajectory for NASA’s first manned mission to the moon and has been honored with the presidential medal of freedom.

Who is Katherine Johnson?

In this century, the Assosiation for Women in Mathematics was founded.

What is the 1900s / 20th century?


Only this percentage of people with doctorates in math are women. (any number within a 5-point range will work)

What is 28%? (any percentage from 23% to 33% will be marked as correct.


A homeroom teacher to the 6s, she also leads the 7/8 Math Team (which you should all join!).

Who is Dr. Koh?


The concept of zero was not always around—it was developed around the 5th century in this country.

What is India?


This famous Iranian mathematician was the first woman to win the Fields Medal.

Who is Maryam Marzakhani?


In this century, Maria Agnesi, an Italian mathematician, became the first woman to write a published book on mathematics.

What is the 1700s / 18th century?


This percentage of women say they have faced gender-based discrimination at least once while persuing mathematics. (any number within a 5-point range will be marked correct)

What is 78%? (any percentage from 73% to 83% will be marked correct)


Teaching math to the 5s and 6s (in addition to others), she loves dogs.

Who is Ms. Gilroy?


Historical artifacts indicate that there is a possibility of humans doing math as early as this date.

What is 30,000 BCE?


This French mathematician used pseudonyms to attend University by mail and made great contributions to both number theory and acoustics.

Who is Sophie Germain?


In this century, the British mathematician Charlotte Agnas Scott became the first woman to be accepted to the American Mathematical Society.

What is the 1800s / 19th century?


Regarding women's representation in the field of mathematics, the "leaky pipeline problem" refers to this issue.

What is the high dropout rate for women at higher levels in acedemia, such as PhDs and proffesorial posissions?


A homeroom teacher and advisor for the 8th graders, she also has a cat.

Who is Ms. Martinez?


The word "hundred" comes from the Norse term "hundrath," which actually translates as this number.

What is 120?


The daughter of a prominent Egyptian mathematician, she was the first female math teacher in history who also taught astronomy.

Who is Hypatia (of Alexandria)?


In this century, Helen Walker became the first female president of the American Statistical Society.

What is the 1900s / 20th century?


The amount of money a woman in STEM makes for every dollar a man earns is this amount. (We will accept answers within a 10-cents error margin)

What is 84 cents? (anything from 79 - 89 will be accepted)


This math teacher is also a member of the technology department.

Who is Ms. Donovan?


This number is represented by a 1 followed by 36 zeros.

What is undecillion?