I'm working late, cause I'm a ____
Who is Sac State's mascot?
The Olympics are held every ____ years
A world made up of blocks where you can build structures, fight monsters, and travel to different dimesions
If the world was ending, I'd wanna ____ ____ ____ ____
Be next to you
Who is Sac State's President?
Dr. Luke Wood
What is the name of the annual league championship game of the US' National Football League?
The Super Bowl
A plumber and his brother go on a mission to rescue a princess from a monster
Super Mario Bros.
Birds of a feather, ____ ____ ____ ____
We should stick together
What is Sac State's student motto?
Stingers up
What is the most played sport worldwide?
Players live in a village with anthropomorphic animals, where they can update the town, craft furniture, and visit other towns
Animal Crossing
H-O-T-T-O-G-O, ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
You can take me hot to go
How many students attend Sac State?
What is it called when a baseball batter makes a complete circuit of the bases and score a run?
Home run
Astronauts in space have to find out who the impostor in their ship is before they take over
Among us
It's me, hi, ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
I'm the problem it's me
How many trees are on Sac State's campus?
How long (in meters) is an olympic-sized swimming pool?
50 meters
The objective of this game is to eat all of the dots placed in the maze while avoiding four colored ghosts