This woman was the mother of Jesus.
Who is Mary? (Luke 1:30-31)
She became queen of Persia and saved her people from destruction.
Who is Esther? (Esther 4:14-16)
She touched Jesus' garment and was healed after suffering for 12 years.
Who is the woman with the issue of blood? (Mark 5:25-34)
She laughed when she heard she would have a son in her old age.
Who is Sarah? (Genesis 18:10-12 )
This woman was a judge and prophetess who led Israel to victory against Sisera.
Who is Deborah? (Judges 4:4-7)
A widow who gave her last two coins as an offering in the temple.
Who is the poor widow? (Mark 12:41-44)
This woman was the mother of twins, Jacob and Esau.
Who is Rebekah? (Genesis 25:21-24)
A queen who lost her throne when she refused to obey the king’s command.
Who is Vashti? (Esther 1:19-20)
She stayed with her mother-in-law and said, "Where you go, I will go."
Who is Ruth? (Ruth 1:14-17)
She dedicated her son, Samuel, to the Lord’s service.
Who is Hannah? (1 Samuel 1:27-28)
She was the only female ruler of Judah, but her reign was marked by bloodshed.
Who is Athaliah? (2 Kings 11:1-3)
This woman showed hospitality to the prophet Elisha by building him a small room.
Who is the Shunammite woman?
She became the mother of a great nation after her Egyptian maid bore Abraham a child.
Who is Sarah? (Hagar bore the child but Sarah became the mother of Isaac, the chosen heir.) - Genesis 17:15-16
This queen visited King Solomon to test his wisdom.
Who is the Queen of Sheba? (1 Kings 10:1-3)
She hid the Israelite spies in Jericho and helped them escape, securing protection for her family.
Who is Rahab? (Joshua 2:1-6)