What is Mordecai's relation to Esther
In which territory did Ruth and her family live before her husband died?
Which angel visited Mary to tell her the good news?
What is the name of Hannah's son?
What is the name of Elizabeth's husband?
Esther also went by this name
What is the name of Ruth's Mother In Law ?
In which month did the angel visit Mary?
The sixth month (June)
What is the name of Hannah's husband?
What was Zechariah's profession?
What is Esther's religion?
What did Naomi want her daughters-in-law to do after their husband's death ?
Go back to their mother's home and remarry
In which country did Mary visit Elizabeth?
What two promises did Hannah make to God if He would give her a son?
She will give him to the Lord all the days of his life, and his hair will never be cut.
What did the Angel of the Lord say to Zechariah?
'Your prayers have been answered, behold your wife will bear a son and he shall be called John'
Who did Esther invite to a private banquet with her and the king?
Which town did Naomi and Ruth arrive in at the time of Barley harvest?
Whose throne did the angel tell Mary her son would occupy?
The throne of of his father David
When did Hannah take Samuel to the House of the Lord?
As soon as he was weaned (baby)
What happened to Zechariah until the baby was born?
(Hint: because he did not believe Elizabeth would bear a son in their old age)
He became mute
How long did Esther tell Mordecai to fast?
3 days
What did Naomi change her name to ?
Who said this quote, and who were they saying it to?
"Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill what he has spoken to her!”
Elizabeth said this to Mary
What did Hannah take with her and Samuel to Shiloh?
A three-year-old bull, half a bushel of flour, and a clay jar of wine
How long did Elizabeth stay in seclusion after conceiving?
Five months