Misc. Women's Health

A nurse is preparing to administer vitamin K by IM injection to a newborn. The nurse should administer the medication into which of the following muscles?

  • Vastus lateralis
  • Ventrogluteal
  • Dorsogluteal
  • Deltoid

What is vastus lateralis?


A nurse is assessing a client who is pregnant for preeclampsia. Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse that the client requires further evaluation for this disorder?

  • Increased urine output
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Joint pain

What is elevated blood pressure?


For a patient in active labor, the nurse midwife plans to use an internal electronic fetal monitoring device. What must occur before the internal EFM can be applied? 

What is the patient's membranes must be ruptured?


Which of the following is not a medication used for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage?

- Pitocin (oxytocin)

- Cytotec (misoprostol) 

- Indomethacin (Indocin)

- Carboprost (Hemabate)

What is indomethacin (indocin)?


When performing newborn resuscitation, which action would the nurse do first?

A) Intubate with an appropriate-sized endotracheal tube.
B) Give chest compressions at a rate of 80 times per minute.
C) Administer epinephrine intravenously.
D) Suction the mouth and then the nose.



A nurse on the labor and delivery unit is caring for a newborn immediately following birth. Which of the following actions by the nurse reduces evaporative heat loss by the newborn?

  • Placing the newborn on a warm surface
  • Preventing air drafts
  • Drying the newborn’s skin thoroughly
  • Maintaining ambient room temperature at 24° C (75° F)

What is drying the newborn’s skin thoroughly?


A nurse is assessing a client who is 12 hr postpartum and received spinal anesthesia for a cesarean birth. Which of the following findings requires immediate intervention by the nurse?

  • Blood pressure 100/70 mm Hg
  • Headache pain rated a 6 on a scale of 0 to 10
  • Respiratory rate 10/min
  • Urinary output 30 mL/hr

What is a headache pain rated a 6 on a scale of 0 to 10?


A nurse is assessing a client who is in active labor and notes that the presenting part is at 0 station. Which of the following is the correct interpretation of this clinical finding?

  • The fetal head is in the left occiput posterior position.
  • The largest fetal diameter has passed through the pelvic outlet.
  • The posterior fontanel is palpable.
  • The lowermost portion of the fetus is at the level of the ischial spines.

What is the lowermost portion of the fetus is at the level of the ischial spines?


A nurse is caring for a client who is postpartum and received methylergonovine. Which of the following findings indicates that the medication was effective?

  • Fundus firm to palpation
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Increase in lochia
  • Report of absent breast pain

What is Fundus firm to palpation?


A nurse is teaching a group of student nurses about amniotic fluid. Which of the following statements by the student nurse reflects an understanding of the fetus's contribution to the quality of amniotic fluid? Select all that apply.

a) "The fetus contributes to the volume of amniotic fluid by excreting urine."
b) "Approximately 400 mL of amniotic fluid flows out of the fetal lungs each day."
c) "The fetus swallows about 600 mL of the fluid in 24 hours."
d) "A fetus can move freely and develop normally, even if there is no amniotic fluid."

What is ABC?


A nurse is completing discharge instructions for a new mother and her 2-day-old newborn. The mother asks, "How will I know if my baby gets enough breast milk?" Which of the following responses should the nurse make?

  • "Your baby should have a wake cycle of 30 to 60 minutes after each feeding."
  • "Your baby should wet 6 to 8 diapers per day."
  • "Your baby should burp after each feeding."
  • "Your baby should sleep at least 6 hours between feedings."

What is "Your baby should wet 6 to 8 diapers per day."?


A nurse is caring for an adolescent client who is gravida 1 and para 0. The client was admitted to the hospital at 38 weeks of gestation with a diagnosis of preeclampsia. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as inconsistent with preeclampsia?

  • 1+ pitting sacral edema
  • 3+ protein in the urine
  • Blood pressure 148/98 mm Hg
  • Deep tendon reflexes of +1

What is Deep tendon reflexes of +1?


A nurse is caring for a client who is in labor and has an external fetal monitor. The nurse observes late decelerations on the monitor strip and interprets them as indicating which of the following?

  • Uteroplacental insufficiency
  • Maternal bradycardia
  • Umbilical cord compression
  • Fetal head compression

What is uteroplacental insufficiency?


Which of the following medications can cause diarrhea?





What is hemabate?


The nurse encourages the mother of a healthy newborn to put the newborn to the breast immediately after birth for which reason?

A) To aid in maturing the newborn's sucking
B) To encourage the development of maternal antibodies
C) To facilitate maternal-infant bonding
D) To enhance the clearing of the newborn's respiratory passages

What is C. to facilitate maternal newborn bonding?


A nurse is caring for a new mother who is concerned that her newborn's eyes cross. Which of the following statements is a therapeutic response by the nurse?

  • "I will call your primary care provider to report your concerns."
  • "I will take your baby to the nursery for further examination."
  • "This occurs because newborns lack muscle control to regulate eye movement."
  • "This is a concern, but strabismus is easily treated with patching."

What is "This occurs because newborns lack muscle control to regulate eye movement."?


A nurse in a hospital is caring for a client who is at 38 weeks of gestation and has a large amount of painless, bright red vaginal bleeding. The client is placed on a fetal monitor indicating a regular fetal heart rate of 138/min and no uterine contractions. The client's vital signs are: blood pressure 98/52 mm Hg, heart rate 118/min, respiratory rate 24/min, and temperature 36.4° C (97.6° F). Which of the following is the priority nursing action?

  • Insert an indwelling urinary catheter.
  • Initiate IV access.
  • Witness the signature for informed consent for surgery.
  • Prepare the abdominal and perineal areas.

What is initiate IV access?


A nurse is caring for a client who is a primigravida, at term, and having contractions but is stating that she is "not really sure if she is in labor or not." Which of the following should the nurse recognize as a sign of true labor?

  • Rupture of the membranes
  • Changes in the cervix
  • Station of the presenting part
  • Pattern of contractions

What is Changes in the cervix?



After receiving an epidural, a patient becomes hypotensive. The patient's heart rate is 55 bpm. Is it appropriate for the nurse to administer phenylephrine to raise the blood pressure?

What is No? A side effect of phenylephrine is reflex bradycardia. A different medication would be more effective. 


When making a home visit, the nurse observes a newborn sleeping on his back in a bassinet. In one corner of the bassinet is a soft stuffed animal and at the other end is a bulb syringe. The nurse determines that the mother needs additional teaching because of which of the following?

A) The newborn should not be sleeping on his back.
B) Stuffed animals should not be in areas where infants sleep.
C) The bulb syringe should not be kept in the bassinet.
D) This newborn should be sleeping in a crib.

What is B) Stuffed animals should not be in areas where infants sleep?


A nurse is caring for a client who is at 40 weeks of gestation and is in labor. The client's ultrasound examination indicates that the fetus is small for gestational age (SGA). Which of the following interventions should be included in the newborn’s plan of care?

  • Observe for meconium in respiratory secretions.
  • Monitor for hyperglycemia.
  • Identify manifestations of anemia.
  • Monitor for hyperthermia.

What is observe for meconium in respiratory secretions?


A nurse is caring for a client who has preeclampsia and is being treated with magnesium sulfate IV. The client's respiratory rate is 10/min and deep-tendon reflexes are absent. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

  • Discontinue the medication infusion.
  • Prepare for an emergency cesarean birth.
  • Assess maternal blood glucose.
  • Place the client in Trendelenburg position.

What is discontinue the medication infusion? 


A patient has been ruptured for more than 24 hours. Her temperature is 40C. The FHR is 180 baseline with minimal variability. What condition has the patient likely developed?

What is chorioamnionitis?


Which of the following is a symptom of receiving IM betamethasone during pregnancy for fetal lung development? 

A) Hyperkalemia

B) Hyperglycemia 

C) Low WBC level

D) Fatigue

B) Hyperglycemia


**Daily Double** 

What does the following mean? G4P2T2A1L2

What is that the patient has had 4 pregnancies, of which 2 of them were delivered and term, the patient had 1 abortion and 2 living children. 

4 total pregnancies

2 delivered, both term

1 abortion

2 living children

and is currently pregnant 
