Women in Medicine
Firsts for Women
Women in STEM
Tech Pioneered by Women
Famous Women

Changed the role of nursing in hospitals and introduced standards of hygiene that reduced infections.

Who is Florence Nightingale?


The first female, first Black, and first South-Asian Vice President in U.S history.

Who is Kamala Harris?


An American geneticist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology, and is considered one of the world's most prestigious cytogeneticists.

Who is Barbara McClintock?


Who is called "the queen of software" or alternatively "Grandma COBOL"?

Who is Grace hopper?


This woman is known as a politician, economist, activist, and a current congresswoman 

Who is AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)


In this year more women than men entered U.S medical schools.

When is 2017?


The first woman to cross the Atlantic in an airplane.

Who is Amelia Earhart?


African-American space scientist and mathematician, and has made numerous contributions to America's aeronautics and space programs. (Hint: Hidden Figures)

Who is Katherine Johnson?


This piece of tech resembled a modern computer, and Ada Lovelace was referred to as the "world's first computer programmer" for its design.

What is the "Analytical Engine"?


This artist is known for her bold, brash and abashed originally living in mexico while not sharing that nationality?

Who is Frida Kahlo?


Developed a test to assess newborns' health, scoring babies on their heart rates, movements, color, respiration, and irritability one minute after birth, known as "Apgar Scores."

Who is Virginia Apgar?


Also known as the "Queen of Soul", this was the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987.

Who is Aretha Franklin?

Coined the term "radioactivity" and developed techniques for isolating radioactive isotopes. She also discovered two new elements and was known for her contributions to physics and chemistry. She also was the first female Nobel Prize winner.

Who is Marie Curie?


Hedy Lamarr was a self-taught inventor and film actress, who was awarded a patent in 1942 for her "secret communication system." This frequency hopping system inspired what invention.

What is Wi-Fi?

Also acceptable GPS, Bluetooth


Who was the first female physician in Athens even before it was allowed?

who is Agnodice of athens?


A pioneer in pediatric cardiology helped create the Blalock-Taussig-Thomas shunt in 1944 to improve survival in children with congenital heart defects—the first woman president of the AHA.

Who is Helen Taussig?


The first woman to become a Fortune 500 CEO in 1972, and went on to break the story of the Watergate scandal to the world.

Who is Katharine "Kay" Graham?


The first Hispanic woman to go to space, prior to which she was a research engineer and inventor. Also, the first Hispanic female to be named director of NASA's Johnson Space Center.

Who is Dr. Ellen Ochoa?


Brenda Laurel is a computer scientist who is often referred to as the "pioneer of..."

What is virtual reality?

This woman earned a Nobel Peace Prize, hailing from Pakistan as a world-renowned activist and 2013 Author  

Who is Malala?


In this year, the first woman Surgeon General was appointed.

When is 1990?


The first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States, and the first woman on the Medical Register of the General Medical Council.

Who is Elizabeth Blackwell?


A British chemist and crystallographer, best known for her research that was essential to determining the structure of DNA.

Who is Rosalind Franklin?


This woman created the precursor to the E-book with her invention of the mechanical encyclopedia 

Who is Ángela Ruiz Robles


Who is the 2004 Athens Olympic Silver medal winner of the 400 m 

Who is Ana Guevara?
