Who declared March 2-8th as Women's history week?
Jimmy Carter
What date did they create the first International Women's Day?
March 19, 1911
I am blind and also deaf. I received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1964.
Helen Keller
Are minority people part of a big group or a small group?
Small group
I became the first African American woman to produce a Broadway play in 1959. What is my play called?
Raisin in the Sun
How long ago were women not able to vote?
50 years ago
I am the First Mexican- Born Woman that has traveled in space
Katya Echazarreta
What are included in Women's Rights?
Right to vote, work, receive education, live free from violence, and make decisions about their own bodies and lives
Mattel made a product to celebrate a first-born Mexican going to space.
A Barbie Doll
In 2022, who held the program that was able to let her go into space?
Jeff Bezos
I was born in Chicago, and I am a playwright and an activist. I dropped out of the University of Wisconsin-Madison to travel to New York City to pursue my playwriting career. My father led the Hansberry v Lee anti-segregation lawsuit. Who am I?
Lorraine Hansberry
What are the three colors for International Women's Month?
Purple, Green and White
I was famous for being an American-born French singer, dancer, actress, and activist in 1920's. I have a pet cheetah named Chiquita that wears a diamond collar. Who am I?
Josephine Baker
By 1978, what two countries joined in celebrating National Women's month?
Canada and Australia
You performed my song in front of the whole school. Who I am?
Muni Long
Rosie the Riveter