The first International Women’s Day was celebrated on this day in 1911.
When is March 19th?
She was a NASA “human computer,” calculating trajectories, launch windows, and emergency return paths for the Project Mercury space flights, and was the first Black woman scientist at NASA.
Who is Creola Katherine Johnson?
She co-founded the United Farm Workers with César Chavez, organized the Delano grape strike in 1965, and originated the phrase “Sí, se puede.”
Who is Dolores Huerta?
At just 15 years old, she was shot for advocating for girls’ education in Pakistan, survived, and continues to advocate for gender equality worldwide.
Who is Malala Yousafzai?
The founder of Survivors Speak, her activism is broad-reaching, from overturning wrongful convictions to giving a platform to survivors of sexual violence and combating police brutality.
Who is Trische Duckworth?
Police prohibited the hanging of a poster emblazoned with the famous words “Forward with Female _______” during the March 8th, 1914 International Women’s Day march.
What is Suffrage?
Although initially overshadowed by fellow researchers Watson and Crick, this British chemist has more recently received recognition as an equal contributor in the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA.
Who is Rosalind Franklin?
Less than a year after her husband’s assassination on April 8th, 1968, this civil rights leader supported striking hospital workers in Memphis.
Who is Coretta Scott King?
She was just six years old when she and three other students became the first Black girls to attend an all-white school.
Who is Ruby Bridges?
She is the Co-Director of the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice, and holds leadership positions in What’s Left Ypsi, Citizens for Racial Equality in Washtenaw, and the Washtenaw Justice Project.
Who is Desirae Simmons?
Although a common myth holds that International Women’s Day commemorates a garment factory strike that occurred in New York City on March 8th, 1657, the holiday was first intended to honor this 1848 woman-led revolt.
What is the Berlin Revolution?
In 2014, this Iranian mathematician became the first and only woman to receive the Fields Medal, the highest honor in mathematics.
Who is Miryam Mirkhazani?
This Lithuanian-born Jewish anarchist revolutionary was jailed several times in New York during the 1890s for distributing information about birth control and inciting riots.
Who is Emma Goldman?
Though assigned male at birth, this TV and internet personality expressed that she was a girl as soon as she could speak. She has since become an outspoken advocate for LGBT youth.
Who is Jazz Jennings?
Once the youngest Ypsilanti City Council member, she is now the youngest ever mayor of Ypsilanti, and seeks to increase governmental transparency and oversee the creation of a non-police emergency response team.
Who is Nicole Brown?
This year’s official International Women’s Day theme emphasizes the importance of taking swift and decisive steps to achieve gender equality, and calls for increased momentum and urgency in addressing the systemic barriers and biases that women face, both in personal and professional spheres.
What is "Accelerate Action"?
Along with avant-garde composer George Antheil, this Austrian-American actress invented a radio-guidance system for Allied torpedoes during World War II.
Who is Hedy Lamarr?
President of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, this Taiwanese-American activist helped get a bill passed in New York state which guarantees overtime pay, paid leave, and harassment and discrimination protections for domestic workers.
Who is Ai-Jen Poo?
Also known as “Little Miss Flint,” her letter written at 8 years old to then-President Barack Obama brought international awareness to the Flint water crisis. Her activism for Flint continues today.
Who is Amariyanna Copeny?
This woman is the 25-year Executive Director of Jewish Family Services in Washtenaw County, an organization that aids refugees, fights food insecurity, provides transportation to medical visits, and more.
Who is Anya Abramzon?
In 1975, International Women’s Day was officially recognized by this worldwide intergovernmental organization.
What is the United Nations?
The first woman to earn a D.S. degree from a university in India, she developed both anti-epileptic and anti-malarial drugs.
Who is Asami Chatterjee?
These women of high social status were known for lending their support to pro-labor causes in the early 20th century, using their privilege to discourage police violence.
What/who is the Mink Brigade?
She was just 18 when she wrote “Frankenstein: or, the Modern Prometheus,” credited as the first modern example of science fiction.
Who is Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley?
When they were just 14 and 16 years old, these sisters started tech literacy programs for girls, began advocating for Muslims girls to play sports, advised the Ypsilanti District Libraries in social justice and mental health efforts, and more, winning the Presidential Volunteer Service Award.
Who are Hajirah and Ayesha Nadeem?