The name of the women who poured water on the cannons
What is Molly Pitchers
The amendment that gave women the right to vote?
What is the 19th
The date the Seneca Falls Convention started
What is 1848
She broke away from NAWSA, had a parade, picketed the White House, and was force-fed
Who is Alice Paul (I will also take Lucy Burns)
President of NAWSA when the vote was won
Carrie Chapman Catt
The document that reads, "All Men are Created Equal"
What is the Declaration of Independence
Law in New York that gave women rights within marriage.
What is the Married Women's Property Acts
This person led 50 women to register to vote and was arrested on the day she voted
Who is Susan B. Anthony
Grotte's favorite feminist
Who is Gloria Steniem
A Kickass firefighter in New Work
Who is Brenda Burkman
The woman who wrote letters to her husband telling him to, "Remember the Ladies"
Who is Abigail Adams
The Amendment written by Alice Paul that would make men and women truly equal in the US.
What is the Equal Rights Amendment (Or ERA)
Who is Annie Oakley
First lady who was the first delegate to the United Nations
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt
Betty Friendan wrote the book titled: (hint it talks about "The Problem with no Name"
The Feminine Mystique
Wrote "Vindication of the Rights of Women"
Who is Mary Wollstonecraft
What is Title IX (9)
The document that came from the Seneca Falls Convention
What is "The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions?
A woman who fought for equality in sports, especially tennis
Billie Jean King
This did more to liberate women than anything else in the 20th century
What is the pill
Wrote "Three Sisters" regarding marriage, but never married herself
Who is Jane Austen
This is a piece of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that addresses equal job opportunities and rights
What is Title VII (7)
Gave the "Ain't I a Woman" speech
Who is Sojourner Truth
She used Title VII and her job at the EEOC to fight Clarence Thomas in his Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing
Who is Anita Hill
Anarchist who believed marriage was a form of prostitution.
Emma Goldman