Mixed Bag
Impressive Recall

**DOUBLE POINTS** What is the author's message of Wonder?

Be brave, choose kindness, give people a chance, choose friends based on their character, etc.

Connect Wonder to an IRA that dealt with bullies and being your own person.

Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon

Name Auggie's sister and explain some of her character traits.

Via - She is protective of Auggie, always willing to stand up for him. 

She is jealous of Auggie because she feels left out much of the time. 

She is selfless because she does a lot on her own without complaining.


**DOUBLE POINTS** Why did mom and dad choose this year to send Auggie to a regular school?

In this book 5th grade is the first year of middle school so the teachers and building are new for everyone. I also think they wanted Auggie to lead a normal life with friends so they thought homeschooling was holding him back from that.


What is the name of Auggie's school?

Beecher Prep


**DOUBLE POINTS** What does Auggie think everyone deserves in their life? Why?

A standing ovation. I think he wants everyone to have one so they can feel special, accomplished, and like they matter.


Connect Via from Wonder and Jack/Pippa from Stealing Our Way Home.

In both books the characters experienced loss. Jack/Pippa lost their mom to cancer and had difficulty keeping friendships and living a normal, chipper life. Via lost her Grans which was extra devastating because it seemed like Grans was the only one who really focused on Via.


**DOUBLE POINTS** Why does Jack Will struggle with being Auggie's friend? Why did he say such hurtful things on Halloween?

Jack Will is embarrassed by Auggie and gets made fun of for being his friend. He wants to be in the popular crowd and tries to impress them by saying dumb things. He was asked to be Auggie's friend so he wasn't doing it for the right reasons at first.


What is Auggie's favorite holiday? Explain why.

Auggie loves Halloween. I think it's his favorite because he can feel normal that day. It is the one day a year he is not judged by his appearance.

*DOUBLE POINTS** What is the name of Auggie's English teacher who loves precepts/quotes?

Mr. Browne


Why does Justin adore Via's family?

His family is super busy and they don't show appreciation and affection daily. Via's family says I love you, hangs out with eachother, and hugs daily.


Connect Wonder to Rules. Discuss which characters are similar. How do they differ?

Auggie is similiar to Jason and David in Rules. They all have things that they have to overcome. They are all considered "not normal." Auggie is different because he is quite smart and only has a physical issue whereas the others have difficulty with communicating. 

Catherine and Via are similiar because they both don't get much of their parents' attention. They both have to be incredibly understanding.


Describe a character who was two faced in the book. Explain how they acted differently around certain people. Be sure to include sufficient detail.

Jullian - He acted sweet and kind around teachers and parents. He is rather rude when no adults are around. For example he was mean to Auggie during the tour. 

Jack Will - He pretended to be Auggie's friend and he seemed like a nice enough guy. But we learned on Halloween that he was Auggie's friend at first because Mr. Tushman asked him to be.

What kind of emotions was Auggie feeling during the school tour?

Nervous - I know this because he was mumbling to Mr. Tushman. 

Confused - I know this because his mom had kept a lot of information from him. 

Excited - I know this because he was eager to start at an actual school.


What is the name of Auggie's stuffed animal?



What is the name of the play that Via stars in?

Fiddler on the Roof


**DOUBLE POINTS** In Wonder, the family dog Daisy passes away. Connect this to THREE other book club books. Tell who passes in each.

Stealing Our Way Home, Distance to Home, A Monster Calls, Making Bombs for Hitler, Ms. Bixby's Last Day, The One and Only Ivan, Girl I Used to Be, Gratefully Yours, Everything on a Waffle, etc.


What is similar about mom and dad?

Mom and Dad both have Auggie's best interest at heart. They are both supportive. They both worry about him getting bullied. They both want him to be successful and accepted.


**DOUBLE POINTS** Why is Jullian such a jerk?

Jullian's parents are rude and judgmental, so Jullian could have learned it from them. 

Jullian is insecure about himself and feels better when he puts other people down. 


**DOUBLE POINTS** Describe Jack Will and the sledding incident.

Jack Will found an old sled someone had thrown away and decided to take it home and fix it up. He was super excited about it. Jullian and his friends were talking about their winter breaks and spoke about some hobo taking a sled that Henry had thrown away. Jack felt ashamed because he was the one who took it.


Why didn't Miranda tell Via about her parents divorce?

Miranda didn't want to bother Via because she knew how much Via had going on. She felt like her parents' divorce was nothing compared to what Auggie has to go through. I think she was also embarrassed about her parents splitting up.


**DOUBLE POINTS** In Wonder and in Fish in a Tree each of the main characters have obstacles to deal with and overcome throughout the book. Explain Auggie and Ally's struggles.

Auggie has to live with his face and how people react to it every day. He has to try to make friends and focus on school when most of the grade is being rude and mean to him. 

Ally has a learning disability which makes school extra difficult and stressful. She has to try to live up to her teacher's expectations, stay out of trouble, and start believing in herself even when she thinks she is hopeless.


**DOUBLE POINTS** Why is Summer considered a hero in this book?

Summer decided to be friends with Auggie on the first day without any prompting from an adult. No one asked her to be his friend, she just did it out of the kindness in her heart. She was brave to leave her own table and stay with Auggie even though kids made fun of her for it.


Why did Auggie leave his stuffed animal for mom on his trip?

Auggie knew that mom was going to miss him terribly and that it might offer her comfort. He was also trying to be brave and strong so he wanted to try to be more mature and leave the stuffie at home.


What movie did they watch on their nature field trip?

The Sound of Music
