Comprehension 1
Inference 1
Comprehension 2
Inference 2
Challenge Questions
What does Auggie’s mom call Auggie on the last page of the book?
She says, "you really are a wonder, Auggie. You are a wonder" (Palacio 310).
“I did notice as I walked that Amos had stayed right next to me. And Jack was close on the other side of me. And Miles was in front of us and Henry was in back of us. They were surrounding me as we walked through the crowds of kids. Like I had my own emperor’s guard” (Palacio 272). Infer: Why were the boys walking like this?
To protect Auggie
Who is the student whose "quiet strength has carried up the most hearts"?
Which meaning of hysterical is used in the quote below? “‘I didn’t know we were watching Lord of the Rings tonight!’ he said. ‘Look guys, it’s Gollum!’ This made his friends hysterical” (Palacio 266).
Emotional in a funny way.
Who tackled Eddie?
Fill in the blank for this quote from August: “I wondered how it would feel to be in heaven someday and not have my face matter anymore. Just like it never, ever mattered to _________” (Palacio 227).
(This is from Miranda’s section) “‘You’re definitely coming,’ she said, smiling her old smile at me. They started leading me out of the crowd, and I have to admit, for the first time in a very, very long time, I felt absolutely happy” (Palacio 248). Infer: Why does Miranda feel so happy?
She has Via as a friend again and can now hang out with the whole Pullman family (who she loves).
Why do Jack and Auggie go into the woods?
To relieve their bladders (to pee).
Why is it significant when Auggie says, “In fact, and I don’t mean to brag here, but it kind of felt like everyone wanted to get close to me” (Palacio 308)? (Hint: think back to earlier in the book).
Because in the beginning of the book no one wanted to touch August. The end is significant because no one was scared to touch August, they were all getting close to him, (this shows that they all accept him now).
What did Summer mouth to Auggie when he was walking up to get his award?
"cool beans"
Who calls August "Major Tom"?
Why is it significant (significant=important) that August got his hair cut shorter than it’s ever been? (Hint: think back to why Auggie always kept his hair long).
Auggie used to keep his hair long so he wouldn't be able to see the way people look at him-- since it's shorter it shows he's starting to care less about what people think.
Who told Eddie to "leave [Jack and August] alone"?
Auggie thinks, “That’s not exactly true: I do know what I’m really known for. But there’s nothing I can do about that. A Star Wars duffel bag I could do something about” (Palacio 252). Infer: What is Auggie really known for?
Auggie is known for how he looks/his appearance.
What did Auggie's mom forget to bring to the play?
Her glasses
Fill in the blank for this quote from August: “So I got up and clapped and clapped. I clapped until my hands hurt. For a second, I imagined how cool it would be to be Via and Justin right then, having all these people standing up and cheering for them. I think there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a ____________ ______________ at least once in their lives” (Palacio 231).
standing ovation
On page 270, Amos compliments August on how he “stood his ground”. Infer: What does the idiom “stand your ground” mean?
It means to not run away/to not give up.
Why did Auggie's dad throw out the astronaut helmet?
"You were wearing that helmet all the time. And the real, real, real, real truth is: I missed seeing your face, Auggie. I know you don't always love it, but you have to understand... I love it. I love this face of yours, Auggie, completely and passionately. And it kind of broke my heart that you were always covering it up" (Palacio 291).
Infer: How does Mr. Tushman feel about Julian leaving Beecher Prep? (See p. 286 if you need help answering the question).
He is happy that Julian is leaving.
What figurative language is used in the following quote? "The sky doesn't look like that in North River Heights. I've seen it look like that in Montauk, though: like someone sprinkled salt on a shiny black table" (Palacio 258).
What is the theme of Mr. Tushman's graduation speech?
People should be kind ("kinder than needed").
Infer: Why is this such big gossip? “We heard Amos won a yellow hippo and gave it to Ximena. That was the big gossip that went around: the jock and the brainiac” (Palacio 260).
Amos and Ximena are very different (one is good at sports and one is good at school). It is unusual for people from different "social groups" to interact in middle school.
Foreshadowing: What clue(s) from the following passage let you know that the group of students would be bad? “That’s when we walked straight into a group of kids we didn’t know. They’d just come out of the woods, doing stuff I’m sure they didn’t want their teachers to know about. I could smell the smoke now, the smell of both firecrackers and cigarettes. They pointed a flashlight at us. There were six of them: four boys and two girls” (Palacio 265).
The kids were "doing stuff [Auggie is] sure they didn’t want their teachers to know about," and the kids smelled like smoke, specifically like "firecrackers and cigarettes".
“Amos, Miles, and Henry brought me and Jack over to where we’d been sitting before, with Summer and Maya and Reid, and then they went and sat where they had been sitting before, with Ximena and Savanna and their group. In a way, everything was exactly as we had left it before we went looking for the toilets. The sky was the same. The movie was the same. Everyone’s faces were the same. Mine was the same. But something was different. Something had changed” (Palacio 274) Infer: What was different?
People were starting to like/respect August more.
Who is Mr. Tushman quoting when he says, "Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the righ tusing of strength... he is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts" (Palacio 304).
Henry Beecher