Section 5- Justin
Section 6 - August
Section 7 - Miranda
Section 8 - August
Grab Bag
While at dinner Justin has a lot of tics. What are tics and why do they stop?
Tics are a nervous habit or twitch. They stop because Justin feels comfortable around Via's family.
What food did Jack and August use for their science fair project to build a battery?
They used a potato.
What did Miranda call Auggie?
Miranda called Auggie Major Tom.
How long was Auggie gone on the Nature Retreat?
Auggie was gone on the Nature Retreat for 2 nights and 3 days.
Who was Via's boyfriend?
Justin was Via's boyfriend, and he played the fiddle.
Justin and Olivia are in a play, but Olivia has not told her parents about it. Why does she not tell her parents about the play at first?
If her parents find out about the play, her parents and August will come to the play. She does not want to be known as the girl with the deformed brother.
August gets hearing aids. How does he feel about them at first. How does this change by the end of this part? Why does it change?
At first, August DOES NOT want to wearing hearing aids because he thinks they will be too noticable. By the end, he does not mind wearing them because they make everything sound "bright" and he can hear well.
What lies did Miranda tell at camp? Why do you think she lied?
Miranda told everyone at camp that she had a brother who was deformed. She did this because she wanted attention. Everyone at camp thought it was really interesting, and they all wanted to be friends with her.
What did August not want to be known for?
Auggie thought that everyone would be known for something in middle school, and he did not want to be known as the kid who likes Star Wars.
Who actually threw out Auggie's astronaut helmet?
Auggie's dad threw out his helmet.
Justin says he feels like Olivia's parents are more interested in his life than his own parents. Why does he say this?
His family does not really talk and does not ask him about his life. They do not act they they are interested or care. His family also argues alot and makes him anxious.
What does August call his hearing aids? Why does he call them this?
He calls them the Lobot because they look like the Lobot which is a character from Star Wars.
Why did Miranda pretend she was sick for the opening night of the play?
Miranda's family and friends did not come to watch and support her. Via's family was there, so Miranda wanted Via to be able to perform so that her family could see her.
Describe the "situation" that happened to Auggie at the Nature Retreat. Include a lot of details and all the characters involved.
Auggie and Jack went into the woods to go to the restroom. They heard loud, popping noises and branches snapping. There were seventh graders from another school. When the kids saw Auggie, they screamed. Then, one kid named Eddie started teasing Auggie and grabbing him. Amos, Miles, and Henry then came up and started defending Auggie. It resulted in a fight in which Auggie's sweatshirt was torn in half. He also lost his hearing aids.
What does Via look like?
Via is very beautiful. She has long, dark hair and big, bright eyes.
How does Just react to Olivia not telling him that Mirand is one of her old friends?
He is very frustrated and annoyed because he thinks he looks stupid when Miranda talks to him and he did not even know that they were friends.
August has a fight with his mother and Via. He then goes and hides in his cave. What is the fight about? What does August say to his mother and Via in response?
August is mad that Via did not tell her family about the play because she did not want him to come. He told them to that they were lying and to stop treating him like a baby.
Why did Mr. Davenport decide to do the play Our Town instead of Elephant Man?
Elephant Man has a main character that is deformed. Miranda told Mr. Davenport that her brother had a birth defect and had a deformed face and the play would "hit too close to home."
What shift occurred at school after the Nature Retreat? Why did it occur?
After the Nature Retreat, the other kids no longer treated Auggie like he had the plague, but they were all friends with him and called him little dude. This happened because Miles, Henry, and Amos stood up for him during the fight, and then the other kids in school rallied around him.
What lie did Miranda tell? Who did she tell the lie to?
She lied to the people at camp and Mr. Davenport, the play director. She told them that she had a brother who was deformed.
Describe Justin.
Justin is a nice, polite kid. He wears glasses and has longish hair. He plays the violin in a zydeco band.
Daisy is August's dog who has been sick for a while. Why has August not noticed this?
August is so wrapped up in his new life at school that he did not even notice Daisy has been sick.
"For the first time in a very, very long time, I felt absolutely happy." Explain Miranda's quote. Why does she feel happy?
Miranda said this when Via's family insisted she join them for dinner to celebrate after the play. She was very happy because she used to be very close to Via's family. Miranda's family is not very close, and she feels more comfortable with Via and her family.
Who won the Henry Ward Beecher award? Why were they chosen?
Auggie won the Henry Ward Beecher award. Auggie won because his quiet strength "carried up the most hearts." His strenght was an encouragement to the students around him.
How did August change throughout this book?
At the beginning of the book he was shy; needed him mom to take care of him and "baby" him; and did not have a lot of friends. By the end of the book (the end of fifth grade), he was confident; had a lot of new friends; and was able to do things for himself like his homework, projects, and put himself to bed.