Genre Skills
Reading Skills
Word Skills
Grammar Skills
Text Feature Skills

What kind of text gives you true facts and information about a topic?

A. Fiction

B. Expository Text

B. Expository Text


The people or animals in a story are called:

A.) characters

B.) plots

A.) characters


Which part of the word below is the prefix?


1.) re

2.) tell

1.) re


Is the word below singular or plural?


A.) singular

B. Plural

B. Plural


What is the difference between an illustration and a photograph?

An illustration is a drawing. A photograph is taken by a camera.


The main purpose of a fable (like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf") is to:

A. teach kids a lesson about life with a made up story.

B. tell historical facts about something that really happened.

A. teach kids a lesson about life with a made up story


Where and when a story takes place is called:

A.) Character

B.) Plot

C. Setting

C. Setting


Which part of the word below is the suffix and what does it mean?


1.) un

2.) happy

3.) ly

3.) ly

It means "in a way that is"


What is a noun?

A person, place, or _______?



What is the name of the words that go nearby a picture to describe what the picture is about?

a.) A Prefix

B.) Bold Print

C.) A Caption

C.) A Caption


Which writing genre is this?

Roses are Red

Violets are blue.

Sugar is sweet,

and so are you!

A poem


Make a prediction of what will happen next in the example below:

"My mom always tells me to be careful when I run. Sometimes I forget to look where I am going. I just run with my eyes closed because I am so excited. Yesterday, something terrible happened. I was running, and I did not see my sister who was carrying her pet goldfish in its bowl. I was running and laughing. Then suddenly.........."

Answers may vary a little.

"I ran right into my sister and she dropped the goldfish bowl on the floor. Water went everywhere and the bowl broke Thankfully, we saved the goldfish and I helped my sister to buy a new bowl."


Give me an example of a compound word.

cardboard, teapot, sidewalk, goldfish...


What is the correct way to rewrite this sentence using a possessive noun and an apostrophe?

"That is the chair that belongs to my teacher."

That is my teacher's chair.


Why is a map helpful to use in a text?

A map shows you where something is. It can help you to see the distance between different places.


Give me an example of some words that rhyme.

Answers will vary...






Tell me what is the problem and the solution in the story below:

"One day, I was walking by a forest when I saw something terrible! The trees were on fire! The fire was spreading everywhere! I was really scared, but I knew exactly what to do. I called the fire department. They came really quickly and put out the fire. The forest was saved!"

Problem: There was a fire, and it was spreading.

Solution: I called the fire department. They came and put out the fire.


What is an antonym of sad?



If I want to say that I jump yesterday, how would I change the word? What would I add to it?

What if I want to say that I jump right now? How would I change the word?




Draw a quick diagram of a dog. Next, label its main parts. Then, show me.

Student will show the answer on their paper.


What is rhythm?

(Hint: We clapped to count it in class.)

Rhythm is the beats of a poem. It is like the music or flow of a poem. Rhyming poems have rhythm.


Two steps:

1.) Use context clues to figure out what the word in bold means.

2.) Find the compound word in the story.

"I once saw a magnificent waterfall. It was the biggest and most beautiful waterfall I have ever seen! It was at least 75 feet high and 50 feet wide! Wow, it was so big!"

1.) Magnificent: big and beautiful

2.) Compound word = waterfall


What is the difference between a digraph and a blend?

Digraph example: cheese

Blend example: stamp

A digraph is two letters that work together to make one sound. A blend is two or three letters that work together, but they each make their own sound.


What is the difference between a common noun and a proper noun? Give me an example.

A common noun is a general noun, like "building," "woman," or "street." 

A proper noun is a specific noun like "The Smith Hospital," "Teacher Lin," or "Park Street."


Name at least three text features.

(Remember, text features are different things that are added to a text beside the story itself to help make the text more clear and more interesting.)

illustrations, photographs, captions, heading, sidebars, subheadings, diagrams, bold print, maps, charts...etc.
