Vocabulary Skills
Text Feature/Genre Skills
Reading Comprehension Skills
Grammar Skills
Writing Skills

Give me a third synonym:

short, tiny, ______

small, teeny, little


What is historical fiction? Give me two details about historic fiction.

1.) It is a made up story with made up characters.

2.) It is set in a real time in history with some true information.


Cause and Effect

Finish the sentence below with the effect.

Cause: I spilled the milk on the floor, so__________________.

I must clean it up.


Name some action verbs. What is their purpose in a sentence?

run, jump, play, cry, fly...etc.

They show the action in a sentence.


What should you always do to the first word of a sentence and the first and last word of a title?

Capitalize it

What is the idiom, and what does it mean?

"Hey! Spill the beans about Jan and Tom! Are they boyfriend and girlfriend now? I really want to know!"

"Spill the beans" is the idiom. It means that I want you to tell me a secret. 


Tell me about highlighted or bold print words. Why are they included in some texts as text features?

They are included to show the reader that this word is important.


Give me an example of a problem and a solution.

The teacher will decide if the answer is suitable.


Change these sentences to the future tense:

I take an English class on Tuesdays.

I run to the store.

I make cookies.

I will take an English class on Tuesdays.

I will run to the store.

I will make cookies.


What is the first word of a paragraph called, and why is it important?

topic sentence

It tells you what the paragraph will be about.


What is an antonym? Give me an example of two words that are antonyms.

An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word.

small vs big 

tall vs short


Tell me the difference between Expository Text and Narrative Nonfiction.

Expository text is true facts and information about a topic. There are usually lots of text features.

Narrative nonfiction is a true story with real information, but it tells the information like a story with characters, a setting, and a plot.


Tell me about the key details in the story of the "Three Little Pigs." Then, tell me the main idea or lesson of the story.

The teacher will decide if the answer is sufficient.


How could I change these sentences to the past tense?

I walk to the park.

I hurry to the store.

I grab my book.

I walked to the park.

I hurried to the store.

I grabbed my book.


What is the last sentence in a paragraph called, and why is it important?

The conclusion

It tells the reader that you are finishing your paragraph and reminds the reader what it was about.


There are 3 prefixes and 4 suffixes in the following text. Find all of them:

I think that job is doable, but I am thankful that I don't have to do it alone. Some people are unhelpful, but I am sure that you will not leave me helpless. I distrust the bus. Let us walk to work and preview the work.


un-helpful, dis-trust, and pre-view


do-able, thank-ful, unhelp-ful, and help-less



Describe a folktale to me. Give me three details about folk tales.

1.) They are made up stories/fiction.

2.) They are passed down from generation to generation.

3.) They teach a lesson.

4.) There are usually illustrations.


Give me three examples of sequence words and tell my why they are so important.

In the beginning, first, next, then, later, finally, in conclusion...etc.

They are important because they tell you about the time order of the story. Without them, your story will be confusing.


Combine these two sentences into one:

Sue walked the dogs. Sue fed the dogs.

Sue walked and fed the dogs.


Why do we have to have at least three details in our paragraphs?

If we don't have enough details, the story will be incomplete and unclear.

Separate each of these words into their root words and prefix/suffix. Then, tell me the meaning of each of them:






The teacher will decide if answer is suitable.


Tell me about five different text features.

captions, illustrations, photographs, bold print words, headings/titles, subheadings/subtitles, maps, charts, diagrams, side bars...etc.


Summarize the story of "Martina the Beautiful Cockroach." Use the strategy: 






The teacher will decide if the answer is sufficient.


Subject verb agreement:

Choose the correct verb in these sentences:

Mary (walk or walks) to school.

They (have or has) two puppies.

The bowl (have or has) water in it.

He (need or needs) new shoes.

Mary walks to school.

They have two puppies.

The bowl has water in it.

He needs new shoes.


Describe for me at least four elements of an excellent paragraph.

Topic sentence, three detail sentences, conclusion sentence, sequence words, indentation, good grammar, colorful word choice...etc.
