Reading Comprehension

Name all the common and proper nouns in the sentence: 

Batman is the greatest detective in the world.

Proper - Batman

Common - detective; world  


        Anna has two pets. She has a cat named Boots and a dog named Buddy.

        Boots and Buddy are similar in many ways. Both have four legs and a tail. Boots is easy to care for, and Buddy also is easy to care for. They both love to be around Anna.

        Boots and Buddy are different, too. Boots is quiet, but Buddy is noisy. Boots loves to sleep, but Buddy enjoys playing. Boots meows, Buddy barks. They are different, but Boots and Buddy are good pets.

What are two was that Boots and Buddy are similar and different? 

Sample Answers:

1.both have four legs; Boots is quiet, but Buddy is noisy.

2. both are easy to care for; Boots loves to sleep, but Buddy enjoys playing.

3.both love to be around Anna; Boots meows, but Buddy barks.


complicate + ed

How would you spelling this word? 



Rina is so energetic, she ran three races and was not even tired. 

What does the energetic mean in this sentences?

active and full of life.


Turn the word in parenthesis into a plural noun. 

The first slide showed two (monkey) in a tree.



    Lightning can cause a wildfire. First a lighting strike causes the dry grass and trees to burn quickly.Then the wildfire spreads rapidly. The wildfire grows bigger as it burns. 

      A wildfire is blazing. First, the alarm sounds.Then smoke jumpers grab their firefighting equipment and board a plane. Next, they jump out of the plane and their parachutes open. Finally, the smoke jumpers land on the ground ready to fight the wildfire.

What happens first when a wildfire is blazing?

What happens last when a wildfire is blazing

The alarm sounds.

They land on the ground and fight the fire.

Turn into a a plural.




There are many circumstances that can make roads impossible to drive on. 

What does the word circumstances mean in this sentence. 

conditions or events that exist with other things and may have an effect on them.


Name the prepositional phrase in the sentence. 

Hawks flew over the treetops.

over the tree


Carlo was on his way to play football when he saw 

his neighbor, Mrs. Lee. She was pulling weeds in her

garden. She waved at him.

“Hello, Mrs. Lee. You look tired,” he said.

“I am,” she sighed.

Carlo heard himself say, “Why don’t I help you?”

He left his old football on Mrs. Lee’s porch and pulled

weeds all afternoon. Finally, they were all done.

“It looks great!” said Mrs. Lee. “Let me pay you.”

“That’s OK!” said Carlo. “It was nothing!”

The next day Carlo found a new football on his porch

and a note: “Good neighbors are hard to find!”

What is the theme of this passage? 

Kind acts are always rewarded

What are the missing letters? What is the word? 

f_ _  ntain




Paulo is an ambitious bike rider and always looks for challenges. 

What does the word ambitious mean in this sentence? 

a strong desire to succeed at something.


Tell whether the word factory is abstract or concrete

The new factory will open in June.



     Coral reefs are home to many ocean animals. Many coral reefs are being destroyed.

      Scientists have trouble protecting coral reefs. They do not have enough information about them. So, they map out and study the coral reefs. This allows bigger sections of reefs to be protected.

     Ships and fishing nets damage reefs. Now, fishing near coral reefs is not allowed. This prevents damage to the reefs. Ocean animals will still have their colorful underwater home.

Identify a problem and solution in the passage. 


Problem 1 - Scientists do not have enough information about coral reefs.

Solution 1 - They map out and study the coral reefs.

Problem 2 - Ships and fishing nets damage reefs.

Solution 2 - Fishing near coral reefs is not allowed.


you + have =



Ms. Blake attends a convention of music teachers every year. 

What does the word convention mean in this sentences? 

a formal meeting for a special purpose.


What is an abstract noun? 

An abstract noun is an idea or concept. You cannot see, hear, smell, taste, or feel it.


   Fox was sleeping under a tree. Suddenly Crow landed on a branch above him. She held a bit of meat in her beak. Fox was hungry and wanted that meat.

    “Crow is so beautiful! Her feathers are glossy! Her eyes sparkle like diamonds!” Fox said loudly. “If only she could sing well, she would be the Queen of Birds!” 

    Crow was pleased and flattered by what Fox said about her beauty, but not what he said about her singing. Crow wanted to prove Fox wrong, so she opened her beak and croaked, “CAW! CAW!” The meat dropped to the ground and Fox quickly ate it. Then he laughed, “Good Crow, you have a voice, it is a brain you lack!”

What is the theme of this story?

Sample answer: Don’t trust someone just because they flatter you.


What are the two closed syllables of the following word:


frag   ment 


My mom gives careful consideration to the fresh fruit she buys. 

What does the word consideration mean in this sentence? 

careful thought
