Vocabulary List # 1
Vocabulary List # 2
Vocabulary List # 3
Vocabulary List # 4
Vocabulary List # 5
Another word for curate is: ____________________ A. lose B. happy C. collect D. teach
What is collect.
The picture below is an example of which word? A. compartment B. mesmerized C. rippled D. tarp
What is compartment.
Use the word gesture in a sentence.
Student answers will vary.
The word rippled means: A. To fart. B. To rip something. C. To scream out loud. D. To spread out.
What is to spread out.
The picture below is an example of which vocabulary word? A. archive B. enlist C. mesmerized D. compartment
What is enlist.
Another word for mounted is: ____________________ A. hang B. leave C. table D. wall
What is hang.
The picture below is an example of which word? A. lapped B. vista C. grime D. beckon
What is beckon.
Use the word enlist in a sentence.
Student answers will vary.
The picture below is an example of which vocabulary word? A. grime B. lapped C. polaroid D. diorama
What is polaroid.
Which sentence uses curate correctly? A. The curator grades papers. B. A curator is a person who is always scared of something. C. A curator collects many items. D. The curator is a beautiful piece of art.
A curator collects many items.
Which sentence uses DIORAMA correctly? A. The teacher asked the students to make DIORAMAS of their favorite historical period. B. The DIORAMA laughed at the teacher. C. A DIORAMA is a large bird like creature. D. The teacher's DIORAMA graded all of the papers.
A. The teacher asked the students to make DIORAMAS of their favorite historical period.
The picture below is an example of which word? A. diorama B. disoriented C. polaroid D. scavenger
What is disoriented.
Another word for mesmerized is : _______________. A. awe B. funny C. sad D. scared
What is awe.
Use the word grime in a sentence.
Student answers will vary.
The word mounted means: A. teach B. eat C. fly D. to hang up on a wall
To hang up on a wall.
The word VISTA means: _________________________. A. to leave the room B. having a hearing loss. C. a very tall person who loves flowers. D. beautiful wide open spaces where you can see for a long way.
A beautiful wide open spaces where you can see for a long way.
Use the word knapsack in a sentence.
Student answers will vary.
Another word for archive is: ___________________ A. dresser B. file away C. clothes D. vegetable
What is: file away.
Use the word lapped in a sentence.
Student answers will vary.
The picture below is an example of which vocabulary word? A. grime B. lapped C. compartment D. archive
What is grime.
The picture below is an example of which vocabulary word? A. disoriented B. knapsack C. cascading D. archive
What is cascading.
Use the word musty in a sentence.
Student answers will vary.
Which sentence uses knapsack correctly? A. The hikers put all of their supplies in the KNAPSACK. B. The KNAPSACK ran away. C. A KNAPSACK is a large piece of clothing. D. The KNAPSACK plays with the children outside.
What is the hikers put all of their supplies in the KNAPSACK.
The picture below is an example of: A. knapsack B. musty C. gesture D. enlist
What is gesture.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: WORTH 1,000 points! Who is the author of the book: Wonderstruck
Who is Brian Selznick.