Walrus are found in this region of the world.
What is the Arctic (or arctic circle)
Walrus are this type of animal
The Arctic Region is located at this pole on Earth.
What is the North Pole
What do Walrus eat?
Clams, mussels, and other crustaceans
This breaks when you say it.
This is the only US state to have wild Walrus.
Walrus use this scene organ located near their mouth to help locate food in the murky waters.
This is the only US State located in the Arctic Region
Walrus' distinctive tusks are used for this
Protection and helping with mobility
I am not alive, but I grow; I don’t have lungs, but I need air. What am I?
A balloon
This is where female walrus and their calfs live on when not in the water.
Sea Ice
Both Male and female walrus have this promonate feature protruding from their mouths.
True or False...
Walrus' favorite food is penguins.
True or false...
Walrus are solitary animals.
What is easier to get into than out of?
Climate change / global warming
This is the layer of fat on a walrus and other arctic animals that help them stay warm.
This white whale makes its home in the Arctic Ocean. There is also a song for this baby mammal!
Beluga Whale
Walrus' skin can change colors because of this
Body temperature
What comes out at night without being called, and is lost in the day without being stolen?
The stars
What other county or counties are walrus found in the wild.
Canada, Russia, Norway, Greenland
Male walrus can weigh this much when fully grown.
2,200 lbs
This aquatic apex predator can be found in all oceans around the world. It is known for its distinctive counter camouflage coloring.
The Orca Whale
Walrus can hold their breath for up to this many minutes
10 min
How many seconds are in a year?