When answering questions in GPTW survey, who are the questions about?
What is my direct supervisor?
how do you prevent getting a tag on unnecessary depression medications for residents with multiple medications having increased behaviors.
what is appropriate documentation?
what is protocol for medications brought from home at bedside?
what is turn into nurse?
the correct temperature of manual dish wash and rinse
what is 110-120 degrees?
pillar goals are created every 6 months as a company standard. where can you find them?
what is evs hall on the pillar goal poster?
What time of year do GPTW surveys get released?
What is spring and fall?
how often must Gradual dose reductions be done for all residents on psychotropic medications
what is 6 months
how do you respect resident dignity when administering insulin?
what is pull privacy curtain or behind closed door?
the expectation for dry storage with open containers
what must be placed in airtight sealed compartment with proper label?
name one pillar goal for last pillar period
what is see paper print out
GPTW is an abbreviation for what
What is Great Places to Work
how often are care plans reviewed and updated for residents with medications that are discontinued?
what is the best place I've ever belonged?
What is Trilogy?
why should heat lamps and vents be cleaned consistently in the kitchen?
what is to keep dust from falling on food?
pillar periods are normally set for a set amount of time. what is the amount of time we utilize here?
what is 6 months?
several metrics are used to measure campus success. what is taken into consideration when determining ranking between all 135 trilogy campuses.
what is GPTW, CSS, financials, turnover, quality metrics, survey results, staffing
a new regulation was released late last year to protect residents from developing antibiotic resistance.
what is enhanced barrier precautions (EBP)?
when hosting events who should be tracking meal intakes and how?
what is anyone picking up plates and percentages should be written on ticket?
how often should all health center fridges/ freezers have temperatures checked to prevent food from spoilage.
what twice a day?
Pillar goals are created by leadership and mentors. who else must approve pillar goals?
what is DVP?
GPTW results are shared with all supervisors. what steps are taken after results are in?
what is results are reviewed, trends are identified, pillar goals are created
how do you stay within infection control guidelines for catheter in relation with catheter bag placement?
what is off floor and covered with dignity bag?
bed holds are given to all discharging residents (hospital, home, psych, etc.) as a legal contract to hold their bed for a set amount of time. what are the proper steps that must be taken after patient is discharged?
what is scanned into EHR?
what open containers need to be placed on ice when utilizing during med pass?
what is milk products and applesauce?
to create effective pillar goals, what acronym must be used for all goals?
what is SMART goals?