What is the best Restaurant in Conway?
How tall was Abe L?
What class are whales?
What famous rapper appeared in season 2 chapter 2
Travis Scott
What is a mix between and goat and a human?
What is the best sport to watch?
Good Basketball (Mens basketball)
Who is a son of Father Aberham
Which whale makes an apperence in the movie Elf?
Which Keanu Reeves skin appreared in Fortnite?
John Wick
Who fell in love with his own reflection?
What is Averys perfect date?
October 9th
What day was president Abe L shot?
Friday April 14, 1865
What is Carters roommates favorite whale?
Blue Whale
What is the best gun in the game?
Golden Scar
Who was cursed to turn everything he touched into Gold?
King Midas
What is the best soda?
Root Beer
Who made an pleasing sacrifice to the Lord in the book of Genesis?
What is the smallest whale species?
Dwarf Sperm Whale
When did Fortnite Battle Royale come out?
Sept 2017
What Sandwich originated in Greece?
What was Averys top listened to song on Spotify wrapped?
I Thank God
What MLB team does Abraham Toro play for?
Oakland A's
What active legislation are whales protected under?
Marine mammal protection act
How long is a fortnight?
2 Weeks
What hero completed 12 impossible labors?