This person is allergic to Pineapple
Whos is Viv
Who are our 4 Gm/Agm's
Wo are Sariah, Dylan, Maudi, and Luke
What are 3 flightless birds?
Name 3 IDK man there are a lot
This is how many branches the US Government has
This employee loves wearing Linkin Park merch
Who is Luis
This person just got back from Kenya
Who is Zaena
This is the animal that Woody is.
What is a dragon
There are more fakes of this animal than real ones
What are Flamingoes
This is the number of great lakes that exist
What is 5
This employee is our main prep person
Who is Frank
This person is running multiple DnD campaigns
Who is Grace
This is the amount of time a table should be bussed in
What is under 2 minutes
This animal is known as the fastest land animal
What is a Cheetah
This is the most populous country
What is India
This employee is our Bar Lead
Who is Paulo
This person loves snowboarding
Who is Reece
These are the names of all 4 Ambrosse's
Who are Jeff, Laura, Cole, and Brett
This is the name foe a group of pugs
What is a grumble
This is the dot above a lower case I
What is a Tittle
This employee loves flying drones
Who is Mick
This person plays Trombone
Who is Chase
This is how many ounces of dough in a 14 inch Wildebread
What is 33, (19 + 14)
What egg laying mammal is venomous
What is a Platypus
This is the only planet in our solar system to rotate clockwise
What is Venus
This employee just recently got engaged
Who is Ty