Which British king was famous for having six wives?
Henry the 8th
This is white when it is dirty.
What is a blackboard?
What position does Harry play in Quidditch?
What do you call a group of flamingos?
A flamboyance
Who was the British Prime Minister often pictured with a cigar?
Winston Churchill
Feed me and I live, give me a drink and I die. What am I?
In “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” what keeps the three-headed dog asleep?
A majority of adults have how many permanent teeth?
Which famous battle did Napoleon Bonaparte lose?
You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?
What is an ear of corn?
What is Harry's middle name?
How many noses does a slug have?
Which lesser-known painting by Michelangelo appears on the wall of the Sistine Chapel, below the ceiling he painted?
The Last Judgment
The one who makes it sells it. The one who buys it never uses it. The one who uses it never knows he's using it. What is it?
A Coffin
What is the correct birth order of the Weasley children?
Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George, Ron, Ginny
What is the meaning of “fn” on your computer keyboard?
How many sacraments are in the Catholic Church?
When do giraffes have 8 feet?
When there are two of them.
How was Hermione able to take extra lessons in Prisoner of Azkaban?
She used a time-turner
What does Yahoo stand for?
Yet Another Hierarchically Officious Oracle