Where is the museum located?
Victoria, British Columbia
When was the ice age?
2 million to 11 thousand years ago
Name two mammals found in the Ice Age
American Lion, Horses, bears, sloths, humans
Name three things that helped the wooly mammoth in the ice age?
tusks, teeth, and hair
How many teeth do Wooly Mammoths have? And what happens when they get dull?
They have 4 teeth, and 6 replacements that will come from Behind to push out the old molars.
What is the name of the museum?
Royal British Columbia Museum
What is a glacier?
Snow that is built up and not melting.
What is the name of the bear from the ice age, and how did it get its name?
Short Nosed bare, for having a flatter face than the bears of today.
Describe the tusks of a wooly mammoth and one thing we can learn from it
They have rings in them like a tree, and we can learn the health and the food sources of the mammoth.
What type of food did Mammoths eat?
Herbivores - plants
How many objects/artifacts does the museum have in their tower?
7 million
It is flat, with rocky hills, and no trees. The ground is frozen underneath the grasses.
How tall can a bear from the ice age reach when standing?
10 feet
How long are the mammoth tusks And what were they used for?
5 meters. For clearing ice and snow from the ground to access food, as well as defence.
How much food does a Mammoth need each day?
600 pounds
What is the name of the Indigenous Group that the Museum is located on?
Lekwungen - Songhees and xwsepsum nation
What was the name of the era associated with the ice age?
Pleistocene Era
What is the name of the bison from the ice age, and how big are its horns?
Step Bison. Horns are 1 meter apart and 1 meter long.
What is the living relative of the wooly Mammoth
Asian and African Elephants
How long can a Wooly Mammoth live? and how long does their last molar need to last them.
70 years. Receives last molar around 30 years old.
What did museums used to use to preserve fur And hair?
How do we know there were humans in the ice age?
because the fossils of animals have cut marks in them From human tools
How much bigger are the Ice Age lions than the lions of today
25% bigger
How did the wooly mammoth reach Canada
From the lower sea levels and walking over from Asia.
What happened to wooly mammoths?
Scientists dont know for sure. But it is assumed it go too warm, and humans were hunting them, decreasing their numbers.