Salt and _____
Salt and pepper
Jack-in-the- _____
Soap and _____
Soap and water
It's raining cats and _____
It's raining cats and dogs
Pots and _____
Pots and pans
Bread and _____
Bread and butter
Goodnight, sleep ____
Goodnight, sleep tight
Socks and _____
Socks and shoes
I have butterflies in _____
I have butterflies in my stomach
Hammer and _____
Hammer and nails
Bat and _____
Bat and ball
Peek-a- _____
Hamburger and _____
Hamburger and french fries
A gallon of _____
A gallon of milk
Hugs and _____
Hugs and kisses
King and _____
King and queen
A loaf of _____
A loaf of bread
Bride and _____
Bride and groom
We comb our _____
We comb our hair
Spaghetti and _____
Spaghetti and meatballls
Macaroni and _____
Macaroni and cheese
Trick-or- _____
Monkey and _____
Monkey and banana
We mow the _____
We mow the lawn
Washer and _____
Washer and dryer