Character Traits
Sensory details
Plot events in sequence
Making inferences
Odd and Ends
(context clues)
Dewey ran all the way back to get grandma's rocking chair before setting out on Trouble River. This character trait best describes Dewey.
What is compassionate, caring or kind.
"The Indian was now approaching the barn. He disappeared into the shadowsin a moment, and then Dewey saw the moonlight on his back as he opened the barn door." The specific sense (sight, sound, feeling, taste) this passage apppeals to....
What is the sense of sight?
This happened immediately after the Indian opened Grandma's cabin door.
What is Charlie attacked the Indian. He bit his foot and arm.
Grandma said she feared the prairie with its strange sounds and long stillnesses. This is the reason why she disliked prairie life.
What is... she had grown up in a town where there was a lot going on?
How the reader feels when reading a selection.
What is mood.
This character trait best describes Grandma's behavior when she is travelling down the river with Dewey.
What is nervous, bossy, or irritating.
"They ate what was left of the cornmeal cakes, some fresh berries that Dewey gathered from nearby bushes, and drank water sweetened with molasses." These sensory details appeal to one of our senses.
What is taste?
This event occurred immediately after Grandma fell asleep in her rocking chair in the cabin.
What is Dewey was able to sneak out to his raft?
In Chapter 5, the raft hits the rocky bottom of the river. Dewey and Grandma get out and push it into deeper waters. This event represents this type of conflict.
What is an external conflict?
Grandma fears this more than the Indians.
What is the wolves?
This character trait best describes Charlie when he attacks the Indian and bites at his feet and arm.
What is brave or heroic?
"Help me boy, his grandma gasped. She clutched his arm and her cane in the same hand, and the cane pressed painfully into his flesh." These sensory details appeal to this particular sense.
What is sense of touch or feeling?
This event occured immediately after Grandma took one last look at the things inside her cabin.
What is Dewey let all the pigs out of their pens and horses out of the barn?
Dewey thinks he sees their cabin burning in the East, but he doesn't say anything to Grandma. This is the reason why he doesn't say anything to Grandma.
What is he doesn't want to worry her?
How the author feels about the subject of his or her selection.
What is tone.
Mr. Dargan treated Dewey's family like "kin". Dewey knew that he could place all the responsibility on his "broader shoulders". This character trait best describes Mr. Dargan.
What is friendly, kind, caring or compassionate?
'"There was a confused mingling of yelps, snarls, and the cry of a wounded wolf. Dewey said quickly, 'Let's go.'" These sensory details appeal to this particular sense.
What is sense of hearing or sound?
This event occurred immediately after Dewey fell asleep while on the raft. The raft was at the mercy of the river when this event took place.
What is ther raft scraping against the rocky bottom of the river awakened him?
When Dewey discovers that the Dargan's cabin was destroyed, he said, "Pa and Ma are probably having themselves a fine time right now." The reason why Dewey engages in this type of thinking.
What is... he doesn't want to believe they are really dead? He doesn't want to lose hope.
"The food which seemed ample to Dewey when he was piling it into the blanket, now looked sparse and uninviting" This word is a synonym for ample.
What is "enough" or "sufficient"?
When Dewey was deciding whether to sneak out to work on his raft or not, Dewey said, "Pa would never be frightened by an old woman's words . "He would never stand there undecided , one hand raised to the door, one foot turned to the river." Based on the above description, this is the best character trait for Pa.
What is strong, determined, or decisive?
"It darted through the bushes and and paused.. Its slavering jaws were pulled back to reveal its fangs.." These sensory details appeal to this specific sense.
What is sense of sight?
Dewey pulled the raft onto the bank of the river. He started up the path and called for Mr. Dargan. "As he came closer to the trees he began to run more slowly. Then he stood perfectly still, not even aware of the grass blowing against his leg." This is the event that occurred immediately after he called out for Mr. Dargan.
What is he saw the burned down cabin that belonged to the Dargan's?
This is the reason why Grandma fears renegade Indians.
What is they are sneaky and attack in silence. You don't have a chance to defend yourself.
This was Grandma's most prized possession.
What is her gold rimmed spectacles?