I don't mind when people chew with their mouth open.
Make a sentence using the adjective form of "confidence"
The student was confident he would get a high score on his test.
Make a sentence using the noun form of "similar"
Canada and the USA have many similarities.
Correct the following sentence: The creators of the play were very imagination.
The creators of the play were very imaginative.
Make a sentence with the noun form of "clean"
Please ensure the cleanliness of the classroom by taking your trash with you.
Correct the following error: The reliable of public transport in Los Angeles is questionable.
The reliability of public transport in Los Angeles is questionable.
Make a sentence using the verb "to doubt".
I doubt humans can live on Mars.
Make a sentence using the adjective form of "sentience"
Elephants are highly sentient animals.
Make a sentence with the noun form of "popular"
Taylor Swift's popularity is almost unprecedented.
Correct the following sentence: You have to work hard in order to be success.
You have to work hard in order to be successful.