The base of hopeful
What is <hope>
The number of affixes in the word <rethinking>
What is 2: re-, -ing
Number of phonemes in <create>
What is 5: c-r-e-a-t-(marker e)
Word sum for <unloved>
What is un+lov/e+ed->unloved
Tap spell <unloved>
What is head:un, arm: l o v replace the e, legs:ed (swipe mistakenly)
The base of <unlovable>
What is <love>
The number of affixes in <unloved>
What is 2: un-, -ed
Number of graphemes in <create>
What is 6: c-r-e-a-t-e
word sum for <mistaken>
What is mis+tak/e+en ->mistaken
Tap spell <mistaken>
What is head:mis, arm: t a k replace the e, legs:en (swipe mistaken)
The base of tractor
What is <tract>
An affix that can mean "full of"
What is -ful (as in helpful, boastful)
What is -y (as in rainy, healthy)
The number of digraphs in <shoulder>
What is 3: sh-ou-l-d-er
Word sum for <replay>
What is re + play -> replay
Tap spell <replay>
What is head: re, arm: play (swipe replay)
A maths word with the same base <tract>
What is <subtract>
An affix that is also a base meaning "without"
The number of unigraphs in <knuckle>
What is 3: kn-u-ck-l-e
Word sum for <prehistoric>
What is pre+histor/y+ic->prehistoric
Tap spell <prehistoric>
What is head-pre, arm-h-i-s-t-or-replace the y, legs-ic
The meaning of the bound base <tract>
What is to pull
A prefix that changes a base to mean the opposite
What is in-, as in inaccurate. -im, as in impossible. -un- as in unhappy.
The number of phonemes in <phoneme>
What is 5: ph-o-n-e-m-(marker e)
Word sum for <unquestionable>
Tap spell <unquestionable>
What is head: un, arm: qu e s t, legs: ion, able (swipe unquestionable)