Systems of Equations

A water tank is 80 centimeters long and 50 centimeters wide. What is the volume of water in the tank given that the height of water is 30 centimeters?

120,000 cm3


Sales tax in your city is 7.5%. Your subtotal at Target comes out to $15.68. How much will your total be?



Amanda rented a bike from Shawna's Bikes. They charged her $2 per hour, plus a $10 fee. Amanda paid less than $27. What is the maximum number of hours Amanda rented the bike?

8 hours


The senior classes at High School A and High School B planned separate trips to New York City. The senior class at High School A rented and filled 9 vans and 12 buses with 567 students. High School B rented and filled 9 vans and 13 buses with 606 students.  Every van had the same number of students in it as did the buses.  How many students can a van carry?  How many students can a bus carry?

Van: 11

Bus: 39


After a party, there are 4/5 of the brownies you made left over. There are 16 brownies left. How many brownies did you make for the party?

20 brownies


Two windows each measuring 8 feet by 4 feet are cut out from a wall. The wall has an area of 180 square feet. What is the area of the remaining wall?

116 ft2


There were 320 adults and 180 children at a carnival. What percent of people were adults?



A small airplane can carry less than 1,050 pounds of luggage and mail. The mail for the day weighs 490 pounds. If each passenger brings 70 pounds of luggage, what is the greatest possible number of passengers that can be taken?

8 passengers


Brenda and AnnA are selling cheesecakes for a school fundraiser. Customers can buy pecan cheesecakes and chocolate marble cheesecakes. Brenda sold 4 pecan cheesecakes and 3 chocolate marble cheesecakes for a total of $53. Anjali sold 12 pecan cheesecakes and 12 chocolate marble cheesecakes for a total of $192. What is the cost each of one pecan cheesecake and one chocolate marble cheesecake?

Pecan: $5

Chocolate: $11


A person bikes 3 1/8 miles in 1⁄4 hour. What is their speed in miles per hour?

12.5 miles per hour


A rectangular pond of length 18 yards and width 8 yards is surrounded by a path 2 yards wide as shown. Find the area of the path.

120 yd2


A large group went out to dinner. The dinner bill came to $276.50. If the restaurant automatically adds an 18% tip, what will be their total bill?



Adam can rent an apartment in the city and walk to work for $615 per month. He can rent an apartment in the suburbs for $500 per month and take the train to work for $5 per day. How many days will he have to work per month to make the two options financially equal?

23 days


Jennifer's school is selling tickets to a choral performance.  On the first day of ticket sales the school sold 9 adult tickets and 9 student tickets for a total of $162.  The school took in $198 on the second day by selling 6 adult tickets and 12 student tickets.  What is the price each of one adult ticket and one student ticket?

Adult: $3

Student: $15


A car travels 135 miles on 5 gallons of gas. How far would the car travel on 11 gallons of gas?

297 miles


576 in2


Tamara’s goal is to run 15 miles each week. So far this week, she has completed 42% of her goal. How many miles does she have left to run to complete her goal?

8.7 miles


A store owner bought 50 toy cars at $1.80 each. If each toy car had cost $0.30 less, how many more toy cars could he have bought with the same amount of money?

10 cars


Shanice and Tatum each improved their yards by planting hostas and geraniums.  They bought their supplies from the same store.  Shanice spent $68 on 5 hostas and 14 geraniums.  Tatum spent $44 on 4 hostas and 6 geraniums.  Find the cost of one hosta and the cost of one geranium.

Hosta: $8

Geranium: $2


A train moved at a speed of 90 miles per hour for 2 hours, and then slowed down to 72 miles per hour for the next 30 minutes. Find the total distance the train traveled.

216 miles


A rectangular tank is filled with water to a height of 4 centimeters. How much more water is needed to fill the tank completely?

432 cm3


The Mall of America finds that 28% of the mall’s visitors go to Nickelodeon Universe. If 763 people went to Nickelodeon Universe in one day, how many visitors did the mall have that day?

2725 visitors


Carol and Cathy are each saving money for a vacation. Carol started with $25 and saves $7.50 a week. Cathy started with $10 and saves $10 a week. After how many weeks will they have saved the same amount?

6 weeks


Traveling downstream a certain boat went 15 km/h. Traveling upstream it only went 3 km/h. Find the current and the speed of the boat if there were no current.

boat: 9 km/h

current: 6 km/h


Matt is twice as old as Pat. Jon is twice as old as Matt. In 4 years the sum of their ages will be 61. How old is each person?

Pat: 7 yrs old

Matt: 14 yrs old

Jon: 28 yrs old
