Age old
Money talks
About time

When 7 is added to a number, we get 25. Find the number.

x + 7 = 25

x = 25 -7 

x = 18


Ten years ago, Elie is  12 years old.  How old is she now ?

(x-10) = 12

x = 22


Alex borrowed some money from Jose. After 3 years, Alex returned 2 times of the borrowed money to Jose. If the returned money is $226, how much money did Alex borrow from Jose ?

2x = 226

x = 113


Rebecca left her dad’s store to go home at twenty to seven in the evening. Forty minutes later, she was home. What time was it when she arrived home?

x = 6:40 + 00:40

x = 7:20


Doug must take 1.25 milliliters of medicine every day. How many days will the medicine last if Doug was given a prescription of the medicine in a bottle containing 50 milliliters?

x = 50 ml/ (1.25 ml / day)

x = 20 days


When a number is multiplied by 6, the result is 2 less than 20.  What is the number ?

6x = 20-2

6x = 18

x = 3


Four years ago, Sam's age is half of his age today.  How old is Sam (today)?

(x - 4) = x/2

2x - 8 = x

x = 8


Kimberly starts with $68.00 and spends $7.75 on Skittles. How much money does Kimberly have left?

x = 68 - 7.75

x = 60.25


At basketball practice, Evan's team practiced defense for 1 hour and 30 minutes and offense for 15 minutes. If the practice ended at 4:15 P.M., what time did it start?

x = 4:15 PM - 00:15 - 1:30

x = 2:30 PM


Billy had 2 books at home. He went to the library to take out 2 more books. He then bought 1 book. How many books does Billy have now?

x = 2 + 2 + 1



The sum of 5 times a number and 8 is 48. Find the number.

5x + 8 = 48

5x = 40

x = 8


Ten years from now, Orlando will be three times older than he is today. What is his current age?

x + 10 = 3x

10 = 2x

5 = x


A bicycle costs $85.
A skateboard costs $35 less than the bicycle.
Jason buys two skateboards.
How much does he need to pay the cashier?

x = 2 (85 -35)

x = 2(50)

x = 100


A car is traveling 75 kilometers per hour. How many meters does the car travel in one minute?

x = 75 km / 60 min

x = 1.25 km / min

x = 1250 m / min


Jessica baked cookies. She left 1/8 of the baked cookies home and took the remaining 56 cookies to school for the bake sale. How many cookies did Jessica bake?

(1-1/8)x = 56

7/8x = 56

x = 56 (8/7)

x = 64


The sum of three consecutive integers is 306. What is the largest integer?

x + (x-1) + (x-2) = 306





Joey is 20 years younger than Becky. In two years, Becky will be twice as old as Joey.  How old is Becky ?

(x-20+2)*2 = x+2

(x-18)*2 = x+2


x = 38


William has a lemonade stand. Today he made $18 in lemonade sales and one third that amount in cookie sales. How much money did William make altogether?

x = 18 + 18/3

x = 18 + 6

x = 24


 It takes 3 hours to wash all the windows on a building. There are 30 windows. How many minutes does it take to wash each window?

x = 3 hours / 30 windows

x = 180 mins / 30 windows

x = 3 mins / window


Stacy and Milda are comparing their heights. Stacy is 150 cm tall. Milda is 10 cm taller than Stacy. What is double Milda’s height?

x = 2(150+10)

x = 320


Of two numbers, 1/5th of a the greater equal to 1/3rd of the smaller and their sum is 16. Find the numbers.  

x + y = 16

x/5 = (16-x)/3

3x/5 = 16 - x

3x = 80 - 5x

8x = 80   x = 10


Five years ago, John’s age was half of the age he will be in 8 years. How old is he now?

(x - 5) = (x +8)/2

2x - 10 = x +8

x = 10 +8

x = 18


Caleb wants to rent a kayak. Kayak rentals cost $16 for a half hour. If Caleb rents a kayak for one hour and forty-five minutes, how much will it cost him?

x = 16 + 16 * (3/4)

x = 16 + 12

x = 28


David has a lot of homework to do. He starts his reading homework at 3:45 and ends at 4:30. Then he does math from 4:30 until 5:00. Lastly, he studies for a science test from 5:00 - 5:30. How much total time did David spend on his homework and studying?

x = 5:30 - 3:45

x = 1:45


The largest parrot in the world can grow to about twelve times as long as the smallest parrot. The largest parrot can grow up to 96 cm.  How much longer is the largest parrot than the smallest parrot ?

x = 96 - 96/12

x = 96 - 8

x = 88
