Meaning of “con-” and “com-”
What is “with, together”
This root refers to or relates to birds
“avi” or “avia
“-ate” in the word “accelerate” means
“to make”
This word means improvement, movement forward
-ary in the word aviary means
“that which is related to” or “belongs to” birds
apart, away, not
Root that means to remember
“-ion,” “tion” & “-ation” all mean …
action or process; state, quality, act
The action or process of honoring someone or something’s memory
The suffix “-or” in aviator means
“one who” flies like a bird
Meaning of “re-“
Back, again
“celer”, as in accelerate, means this . . .
“-ate” and “-ize” both mean
to make, to act
Forgive me if I ________ from the main topic of discussion.
The process of committing something to memory.
Meaning of “pro”
for, forward, before
“gress” as in progress means this . . .
This suffix means feminine
The test will show the progression OR _________ of the disease.
You can either ______ or ______ a car by pressing the gas and/or brakes.
accelerate or decelerate
“ac” in the word accelerate means
to, toward, near
The root that means fast
“-ial” as in the word memorial can mean
like or related to, an action or process
The act of publicly remembering something/someone
Let me __________ to the point we were discussion earlier.