Give a vocabulary word that is a synonym for comfortable
What is casual?
It's great to have dreams and to fantasize in life, but you also have to remain ____________ about what you can actually do.
What is realistic?
incredible, unbelievable, "the best":
What is mediocre?
I am so _______________________ that I could eat the entire menu!!!!
What is ravenous?
new to something, rookie
What is veteran?
I like to talk on the phone, but it hard when every conversation I try to have is ___________________ by my children screaming for things they need from me in the background!!!
What is punctuate?
Infrequent, only occasionally
What is constant?
Give a vocabulary word that is a synonym for use up
What is exhaust?
It's hard for me when children read and they don't put any emotion into what they're saying. They just read in the same tone of voice all the time and it's so ___________________________.
What is monotonous?
formal, dress-up clothes
What is casual?
Give a vocabulary word that is a synonym for faithful
What is constant?
Levi Strauss was a miner living on the west coast. In the mid-1800'sl, he invented a pair of pants made from a tough fabric called denim and became the ________________________ of "blue jeans".
What is originate?
energetic, hyped-up
What is lethargic?