Synonyms 9th
Antonyms 9th
Best Choice
Synonyms 10th
Antonyms 10th

Terri has an aversion to cold-blooded animals. 

A) Fondness                   C)Opposition
B) Warmness                  D) Attraction



Waiting until the last minute to register meant Terry had to choose from the paucity of elective options that were still available. 

A) Abundance                        C) Insufficiency

B) Scarcity                             D) Lack

A) Abundance  


9th Grade: Which of the following does not describe a facetious remark's tone? 

A) Serious                        C) Playful

B) Joking                          D) Kidding

A) Serious    


It took Mississippi's Gulf Coast years to recover from the cataclysm of Hurricane Camille.

A) Rebuilding                      C) Floods

B) Catastrophe                   D) Terror

B) Catastrophe


The city that burgeoned during the tech boom has now returned to a quieter pace of life. 

A) Flourished                          C) Deteriorated

B) Expanded                           D) Lingered

   C) Deteriorated


Chalmers works two jobs to defray the cost of his education and avoid borrowing. 

A) Pay                        C) Extend

B) Defer                      D) Forgive

A) Pay


Dad tried to provide one last idyllic summer weekend before school started again. 

A) Calm                        C) Carefree

B) Pleasant                   D) Traumatic

  D) Traumatic


9th Grade: Which of the following is the least porous?

A) Sponge                           C) Swiss Cheese

B) Marble                            D) Cotton Ball

B) Marble                            


Brooke loves it when her father takes her out of gourmet meals on special occasions. 

A) High-quality                 C) Unhealthy

B) Home-cooked               D) Picnic

A) High-quality    


Matt enjoyed the grandiloquence of Hamlet's soliloquy. 

A) Plainness                          C) Determination

B) Loftiness                           D) Desperation

A) Plainness  


Personal computers have superseded typewriters as the most popular tool for word processing. 

A) Dominated                       C) Joined

B) Subjugated                      D) Replaced

  D) Replaced


Among the amenities in the community were all the shops within walking distance. 

A) Comforts                   C) Bonuses

B) Detriments                D) Conveniences

B) Detriments  


Which of the following is least likely to be described as cataclysmic? 

A) An earthquake                 C) A volcano

B) A flood                            D) Frost

D) Frost


Jonah thought speaking in a grandiloquent style made him sound smarter, but it actually just annoyed his listeners. 

A) Scientific                   C) Pompous

B) Literary                     D) Verbose

    C) Pompous


Kristin performed manifold duties as the store manager. 

A) Unique                          C) Difficult

B) Various                          D) Risky

A) Unique      


The administration was caught off guard by the furor over the decision to stop offering the salad bar in the cafeteria. 

A) Uproar                        C) Calm

B) Silence                       D) Serenity

A) Uproar    


Complacency is the enemy of improvement. 

A) Concern                    C) Contentment

B) Satisfaction               D) Calm

A) Concern


A person described as a gourmet is interested in what? 

A) Food                       C) Movies

B) Clothing                  D) Travel

A) Food  


Seed companies jealousy guard the genetic secrets of the hybrid plants they produce. 

A) Cousin                          C) Likeness

B) Crossbreed                    D) Species

B) Crossbreed


Though she had the support of the area's elite, what the councilor really wanted was the trust of the city's plebeian families. 

A) Ordinary                   C) Common

B) Backward                  D) Refined

     D) Refined


The manager wrote the weekly schedule on a calendar so it would be tangible for all involved. 

A) Vague                                  C) Indistinct

B) Understandable                     D) Uncertain

B) Understandable


The formula failed because it was based on a fallacious assumption. 

A) Wrong                    C) Correct

B) Mistaken                D) Untrue

C) Correct 


When is a negotiation likely to end in stalemate

A) When neither side cares very much

B) When one side cares much more than the other

C) When both sides are equally strong

D) When one side gives in. 

C) When both sides are equally strong


Hucksters used to sell snake oil as a panacea in traveling medicine shows. 

A) Cure-all                              C) Tonic

B) Antibiotic                            D) Therapy

A) Cure-all    


The scourge of domestic violence affects all kinds of families. 

A) Evil                          C) Creation

B) Benefit                     D) Rarity

B) Benefit  
