The part of speech of the word "nomad"
What is a noun?
The word meaning the head of a school.
What is principal?
I ________ Maddux because it was the only way to live happily and I was threatened.
What is sacrifieced?
This lesson 9 word is a synonym of painful.
What is grievous?
This is the part of speech of the word "era".
What is a noun?
The word meaning, showing no mercy;pitiless.
What is ruthless?
I am _________ when I am near somebody famous.
What is dumfounded?
This word is a synonym of bloom.
What is flourish?
The part of speech of the word "recede".
What is a verb?
The word meaning "to make speechless with amazement"
What is "dumbfound"?
My dads' hairline is ________ considerablly.
What is receding?
This word is a synonym of soothe.
What is placate?
The part of speech of the word "principal" meaning most imporatant.
What is an adjective?
The word meaning soldiers stationed in a place to protect it.
What is garrison?
Unless you have kryptonite Superman is __________
What is invincible?
This lesson 9 word is a synonym of cutthroat.
What is ruthless?
This is the part of speech of the word "placate".
What is a verb?
The word meaning "To load with an excessive amount or number of something."
What is "inundate'?
I will ______ being a lawyer because I'm good at debating.
What is ensue?
This lesson 9 word is a synonym of accumulate.
What is hoard?