what do you feel when your alone
Define mental health
“Overall state of well-being involving thoughts, feelings and emotions” (Loprespub, 2022)
True or False: I should not use inappropriate language at school, even if I hear other people doing it because it is disrespectful and distracting.
normal blood pressure
what do you feel when you get a present
Name 3 causes of mental health
Genetics, environmental factors, Brain chemistry, trauma, substance use
When someone asks me to stop doing something because it is bothering/upsetting them:
stop bothering them
what are some bad lifestyle factors?
not eating well nor getting no sleep.
how do you know when someone is mad
body and facial language
List all the treatment options for depression
Therapy, medication and education
I just burped loudly in the middle of class. I should say
excuse me
normal pulse
how do you feel when you cant figure out something
If you struggle with mental health, what steps should you take?
Seek professional help, lifestyle changes, build a support system, break the stigma
if you need to get somewhere but there's people in the way you say
excuse me
what is something to help with your physical health?
Excising can help with you with you physical health.
how do you feel when you go on a ride at a fair
True or false, mental health and physical health are intertwined
when someone gives you something you say
thank you
what is another thing to help with it?
you can start a diet to help with it, some food can be bad for your body.