A person who travels a lot and promotes a product
sales representative
vhodný kandidát
suitable candidate
responsible for
What's the capital of the UK?
Which animal is the symbol of Canada?
An old person who doesn't work anymore and gets money from the state is...
volná pracovní pozice
pracovat jako
work as
The USA is a republic or a monarchy?
In which country can you visit Stonehenge?
If you lose your job, you will be
připojit životopis
attach a CV
být ve vedení
be in charge of
What are the official languages of Canada?
English, French
The Niagara Falls lie on the border of two countries. Which ones?
USA, Canada
They told him to leave the comany. He got _______
předchozí zaměstnavatel
previous employer
jednat s lidmi
deal with people
What is the capital of Canada?
Name two British writers.
Jane Austen, JK Rowling, William Shakespeare
a person who serves drinks on an airplane
flight attendant
těším se na příležitost
I look forward to an opportunity
they went on strike
Who is the current head of the UK?
king Charles III
Name two American cities and tell us where they are.
LA - West coast, California
New York - East coast
Miami - Florida
Houston - Texas